
How much would this Aston Martin cost? best guess?

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it's my dream car!




  1. I have one. Not the convertible. I live in LA and I will get car jacked if I drive around with my car's top open. But, here in LA there a quite a few of them, so it is not a big deal. I paid cash. A good question is, " What does it cost to insure a car like that?"

    I bought mine used with 40K miles on it, for 85K. The fun was making the deal. I never thought a fancy car would make woman throw themselves at me. But, I was wrong. I cannot believe woman. I have less respect for them, not all of them, but the ones that come up to me when they see me in this car. So, I never tell them what kind of car I have until we have been dating for awhile.

    I bought the car for myself to enjoy. I earned it! I have worked my *** off! I can only say, this in ending, It is best to always have power and use it wisely and only flaunt it when necessary.

  2. They start at around $145,000.

  3. From what I heard you can expect at at the lowest cost of $220,000.

    It's an extremely beautiful car. I'm a fan of sports cars and frequently do my best to keep up with them. Best of luck to you on making you dream come true!! :)

  4. You have excellent taste.  It's about $165k.  Go become a professional so you can afford it.  

  5. if you have to ask you can't afford it

  6. You don't drive a car like that, you store it in a vault.

  7. could probably pick up a pre owned one for about 100K or less.

  8. I'm with Nathan on this, most people should expect to pay no more than $50,000 for a single car in their lifetime unless they never plan to marry or have children. In which case you probably have $150K-300K more than the majority of people who do.

  9. ...I'd say your house.


    no but really. Your looking at $130k roughly.

  10. That is a V8 Vantage roadster. List price $126,000.

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