
How much would this tattoo cost in ENGLAND??

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this one in all black outlined stars - no colour




  1. It depends on where you are getting it done those tats will cost no more then 80 pounds and i prefer the 1st one only because you see the 2nd one all over the place.

  2. i am not sure how much  but make sure you go to a good tattooist..i like the second one will look great being in all black..i am getting a few stars on the back of my neck next week  very similar looking to  the second design!

  3. I Think the first would be like 50-80

    the second would be 80-100

    i like the first and the second the same

    depends on where your getting  

  4. If you can't decide which design to get, don't get either! You have to be 100% sure of what you like before having it tattooed onto you. Stars are so unoriginal and copying other people's tats is just lame. Sorry. Spend some time researching pictures of things you like and create your own individual design - you'll be far happier with it.

    Cost? Well, I'm going out for a meal tonight - how much will that cost? It's a stupid question with too many variables - go to your tattooist and ask them.

    Have a nice day.

  5. We would charge about £45 for the first one.  The second one with no colour we could charge about £80.

    It depends on the studio itself as to whether or not the price is similar to ours

    Good Luck (but if you are the same Jadee as before you can't be tattooed till you are 18!)

  6. i would go for the first one,a lot nicer than the second one,and i should say about £60.00

  7. i love no 2.

    i had a shooting star tattoo done last week which isn"t as big as that one (probably about a 1/3rd of the size) and it cost me £45, so i would say that one would be about £70ish...

    old dare you say "stars" are un-original?,

    the star tattoo i got last week is actually a tribute to my dear grandad who recently died, i got on brilliantly with him, and when i was a child we used to spend many a night looking into his telescope at the star"s, it was great, and this recent tattoo that i got reminds me of him, so why don"t you keep your stupid comments to yourself ?.

    what is it with some of the top contributors tonight, some of their comments and answers verge on  insulting...!, and it"s really starting to pi*s me right off.

  8. That's weird, am about to get the 2nd one done! Well a little modified and on my neck!

    I LOVE the second one. I'm guessing (comparing prices i've already paid) the second would cost about £70-£90. It depends on where you go really! The better and more experienced tattooist will charge more!

    I think the first would cost abour £50ish!

    Good luck!!


  9. About 25 pounds...nice body!

  10. I don't know about in England, but for the second one in the US it would probably be about $150. I can't look at the first one because I'm at work and it is blocked.

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