
How much would u pay a teen

by  |  earlier

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to wash(in side out and wax) a 21 ft2 RV?

and they are not your kid???




  1. $100 if they did a great job. Do not tackle a job like this unless you can do a good job.

  2. i would give em 20-40 bucks. depends on how long it takes em

  3. £4-5

    We send our BMW to a pro who does external + internal for £6 so if a teen was to do it i'd pay less than what i'd pay a pro

  4. good question:

    depending on the situation you should first elavaute how well of a job the teen did before u even tackle the amount ur giving them. Since RV's are commonly large i would already add $10 dollars to the teen's job. However if the job was  so-so... i would estimate the large size of the Rv and the time it took the kid>so for a so-so job i would give the kid rougly around 35 bucks. However if the job is great i would do 10dollars(for the rv size)+20dollars(for the time taken)+40 dollars(great result) for a great job i would give the teen 70 dollars.

    result: for a so-so job give them between 20 and 40 dollars

              for a great job give them 40+ dollars(max around 90)

  5. As long as the service is equal to an adult they should be paid the same.  

  6. I would not let a kid clean my vehicles since if they got hurt their parents would sue me.  If they damaged the vehicle, suing their parents doesn't seem quite fair.

  7. A flat rate of $10 an hour would be a respectable wage. Remember that people in minimum wage positions are not even making that much, and you are paying them under the table. I would guess this job would take about 3-5 hours for a good thorough cleaning. If it takes less, consider the quality of the work done. A flat rate means you agree to pay them for their effort, and if they do exceptional work in a 3 hour time frame, you can always tip on their extraordinary performance.

    After tipping and all I would say $40 -$50 is fine for achieving your expectations, $60-$100 (remember, I am referring to a flat rate AND tip) would be a commendable compensation for a flawless job.

    Be sure to let them know their pay is performance based. Your RV will be glistening.

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