
How much would you approx to spend on this trip?

by  |  earlier

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18 years old. Planning to go on a 15day trip to Europe. See as much as possible, and do as much as possible in those days. I am from the US. How many dollars approx would you say i'd spend? I'm just curious as to see how much to have save, and to see hgow much my parents would need to help on this trip if any...maybe a graduation gift?




  1. your gonna need at least 500 pounds for that which is about 960 dollars so i'd round it up to a 1000 dollars

  2. It really depends how you're going to tour around. If you're going to stay in hostels and do things super low budget than maybe 1000 dollars, but if you are going to stay in hotels and pay for going to touristy things it really depends.. The plane cost is also a consideration (since costs are increasing). I guess if I were you I'd probably look online at the cost of flights, and research the cost of hostels or hotels in the areas you want to visit and just do a rough approximation that way. I know for me I would always rather over-approximate just in case! There's always something you forget to consider, and some cities are more expensive than others.

    Have a great vacation!

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