
How much would you burn running on the spot for 20 mins,doing a hundred starjumps and walking up the stairs 4?

by Guest32701  |  earlier

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1 hour. i've been a bit piggish 2day and would like to burn a bit off.




  1. Im not sure - it obv depends on your stats - etc ...!! But it is better than nothing...Although walking up the stairs for an HOUR ..youl just get bored - u in the UK? its a lovely day today get out and go for a jog best way to burn calories.

    But as i said - better than nothing and will prob do the trick - in future pig out AFTER working out as your metabolism is higher and will burn food much easier...

  2. Here's a real exercise that is performed in military basic training (at least it was when I was in 10 years ago).  They only do this when it's raining outside and they don't want us getting sick.

    We stand outside, somewhere dry, and begin running in place.  We do this for 5 min.

    Then drop and start doing push-ups.  Do as many as you can for 1 minutes.  Don't even bother counting them.

    The pop back up and run in place for 3 min.  After 3 min, drop and do sit-ups or crunches for 1 min.  As many as you can as fast as you can.  Then more running in place for 3 min.

    Everytime you drop to the ground to do another exercise, change it up.  Push-ups, then sit ups, then clapping push-ups, or closed-position push-ups, leg lifts, etc.  Rinse and repeat for at LEAST 30 min.  3 min running in place, followed by 1 min of anaerobic exercises.

    Try that, see if it feels like a good work-out.

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