
How much would you estimate an adoption costing (in the US and out of the US)?

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My husband and I are thinking about adopting. And I just wondered if anyone could give us some type of idea on how much we would be spending throughout the whole process. We are wanting to go through an agency to adopt for legal and saftey reasons. Any input would help, Thanks!!!!




  1. I think there's a lot of misinformation out there. The best thing for you to do is contact a few agencies and ask them. They can certainly give you a general idea and it will be much more accurate than any answers you can get here. I adopted a newborn eleven years ago, within the US,  and it was about

    $30,000. I'm sure it costs significantly more than that now. Agencies differ however, and so do the risks. At that time, international adoption was pretty much equal in price when you considered all the additional expenses. Also, with international adoption it is not possible to get a newborn. Depending on from where you adopt, you may be able to get an infant (4 months old or more) but, most likely the children are closer to a year or two old. Good luck! Adoption is wonderful!

  2. Domestic or International, most adopting couples, and singles, are spending an average of $25,000.

    Of course, fees do vary from agency to agency.  Some may have fees as low as $12,000 and as high as $40,000.  You need to ask what the fees cover, as the lower fees may be PLUS birthmother expenses (housing, medicals, utilities, etc. for 9 months) and the higher fee may include everything.  Ask!  Also, ask if this is an itemized fee, or a flat fee.  And a guaranteed fee or not.  This is where - if the birthmother decides on parenting, you do not lose the fee you have already paid.  Also, ask about up front fees.  Do you pay now or only if they place with you?

    Call agencies you are interested in and ask for an info packet.  These packets may include the fees.  Rarely will an agency give out fee info over the phone.  

    I hope that helps!

    Good luck to you!!!

  3. DONT ADOPT!!!! I adopted once and my kid was super for a little while but once he got into his teenage years he suffered from A.C.S  Adopted Child Syndrome which makes kids go crazy and try to kill their families becaue they hear strange voices like in the Amytiville Horror.

    Your Welcome

  4. If you adopt a waiting child through the state or county the costs are very low and the reward it great!  I have some close friends how adopted through our country fost/adopt program and if we decide to adopt again, we will pursue fost adopt.  

    I can't give you an answer for domestic, but we have adopted internationally three times.  The cost for international depends on the country you choose and the program in that country, but I would say on average between $20,000 and $30,000.  

    That seems like a lot, however, don't forget the adoption tax credit and check into employer adoption incentives.

    An interesting article I found on this subject is located here:

    Hope that helps!

  5. $30 - $50k.

  6. it is about $200 to $300 dollers a mounth and also each mounth a child who wants to adoopted comes to your home every mounth

  7. it depends where you get the kid. Like newborns or teens. The age counts.

  8. It depends on what program you adopt through.

    I did a lot of research before deciding on an adoption program and found that private domestic newborn adoption and international adoption are comparable once all the fees involved are calculated.  $30-35,000

    Foster to adoption programs are paid by the state but you first have to foster children and often the children are reunited with their families which is the goal of the foster program.  From what I have read on discussion forums you may have to foster for a while before a case worker gives you the opportunity to adopt a child who is available.

    If you know someone personally who wants to relinquish a child, keeping the state and placement agencies out of the process then you can hire an attorney directly and the costs could be as low as $5000 or less.

    Some agencies offer reduced fees to place non caucasian children.  I have run across agencies that more than halfed their fees to place AA chilren and babies but then there are ethical issues to consider.  Why would a child, regardless of race, be placed for "reduced fees"?  Just doesn't seem right to apply the laws of "supply and demand" to children.

    There is an adoption tax credit offered to US families, regardless of whether you adopt domestically or internationally.  The credit is somewhere in the neighborhood of $11,500.  The way it works is that once your adoption is completed,....meaning you have to pay all expenses up front,...then you are given this tax credit.  Example:  If you owe $5000 to the feds for taxes  then they reimburse the difference which in this case example would amount to $6500 plus whatever else you may have overpaid.  If you don't own the feds taxes at tax time then they reimburse the full amount and whatever else is owed to you.  You can get a loan to pay for the adoption and apply the tax credit monies when you receive it.

  9. 15 thousand on up. It depends on how much you have to travel ect. But there is an adoption income tax credit, I think it is like 12 thousand now

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