
How much would you get paid for advertising if you had 5000 visitors a week on your website

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How much would you get paid for advertising if you had 5000 visitors a week on your website




  1. About 30 cents.  That is about how many visitors I get a week and from adbrite I get about 30 cents a week.  I get more if I am getting clicks.

  2. You should use Widgetbucks.  They have an average $2cpm so you would make $10/week plus the money from clicks.  They also have a low payout of $50 through check or paypal.  Please use my referal link below to signup.

  3. It depends on what kind of advertising you're doing. If you're doing Google adsense it also depends on what your site is about and how well targeted are your ads, read this adsense help article on how to implement section targeting to better target your ads:

    But you could also sell ad spaces, with 5000 visitors a week a space in your website is a VERY good place to display an ad and I'd say you could sell those for $20 to $50 a week or so. As I said, it also depends on what your site is about. Try selling ad spaces for what you would like to get, if there's not much response lower you prices a bit until you get the response you want.

    Good luck.


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  4. It all depends on the rates offered by the ad company you are under.

  5. that depends on you sponsers if you have one or have google ad but you wont get paid big.  

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