
How much would you make from if you didnt do referalls or offers?

by  |  earlier

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i want to do it but i honestly dont feel like getting spam c**p in my email and stuff because my parents said if i want to go to nationals next year, i should help pay for it (the whole trip can be 2000$) and i want to buy my own phone because my parents will never buy me one (they think they cause cancer or whatever) so would i be able to make about 300 dollars every month from there without reffering or offers??




  1. i've tried it and all i got was $1.65, but check this site out , I made $400 in one week using this system

  2. I set up a new e-mail, and then tried doing all the offers. I got like 20$ and it took about 10 hours. That site sucks, get a job at like mcdonalds or something in the real world, at least there you get an hourly wage.

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