
How much would you pay a seventh-grade babysitter per hour?

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Maria, I'm going into 7th grade. I'm not a parent. :)




  1. You can charge per child, but you will notice that your rate is not per child per hour but really per hour.

    Start at $4-$6/hour at your age not 'for' two children, but that is your rate for two children.

  2. I baby sat when I was in 8th grade and did a great job so Idk what other people in here are talking about. I think for two kids it would be fair to pay 8$ hour.

  3. I am not sure I would trust one 7th grader to watch 2 kids. For pay I would pay a extra fee like if you pay $5 a hour for one kid pay $3 extra a hour for 2 kids... I would say $4 - $5 a hour would be good pay for a 7th grader!! I have nothing against 7th graders being babysitters but I think 2 kids might be too much for them to handle, depending on the ages of the kids!!

  4. No 12 or 13 year old would watch my kids. They are still kids themselves. Get trained in CPR and 1st Aid and you may have more luck with responsible parents.

    If someone does hire you, it won't be much money, because they would  hire you only because money means  more than their kid's safety. $5 would be a fantastic rate for you. Good sitters are expensive.

    Scientifically speaking, and you can look it up--when you're done being so defensive and snippy to people answering your question--the decision making part of the brain is not fully functioning until the early 20's.

  5. I babysat at that age and was very responsible.

    If the parents are willing to give you a chance, go for it.

    I charged $5 an hour for one, 7 for two, and more for more kids. You can and should be willing to discuss that with them, it's business after all, get comfortable with it now, it will serve you well later in life.

    I wouldn't leave my kid with a young babysitter for a long time, but a few hours here and there are fine.

    Just be sure you keep the kids busy, look on the internet for craft ideas and games. If the kids like you, the parents will do anything to keep you!

    Ask them about discipline, don't be afraid to call them if you have a question, and don't mess up the house! Good luck!

  6. $5 an hour is good and I like the $2 an hour extra per additional child idea.  It sounds like you are very mature.  Good luck!

  7. im in seventh grade(going into 8th)

    when i babysit i get paid $5 per kid for every hour.

    if i watched 2 kids for 3 hours i would make 30 bucks. you hav 2 consider how yur kids behave 2, a lot of the kids i sit dont listen to me very well, which is extremely stressful.

    hire the sitter for as long as you need during the day. maybe set up a daily rate while ur at work instead of hourly.

  8. Seriosly... I wouldn't hire a babysitter in the seventh grade.  Some kids in 7th grade still need babysitters.

  9. You're just out of elementary school, so you are a bit young.  Don't get defensive.  The media doesn't portray your "immatureness" .  We adults been in 7th grade before you know. And you making defensive comments to everyone else's answers just proves to us your immatureness.

    Also, if you are getting these sort of comments from *parents* you have to realize that anyone that you approach for babysitting services may also have this opinion.  Just a heads up.

    To answer your question, no you don't "double" the pay if there is more than one kid, otherwise people with 4 kids would go brokejust to have an evening out!  

    Edit:  Oops, sorry hon.  Where I come from 7th and 8th grade is junior high, not elementary school.

  10. When I babysat (starting in grade 8) I hated having to give parents a price and always just said "well whatever you are comfortable with".  I commend you for wanting to take a step and making your own price and taking control.  I think the biggest thing is you have to take into consideration your area, i.e. what the market can bear.   Some areas I could babysit for $20 an hour, but in some places I could only babysit for $5 an hour.  Make sense.  So keep that in mind.  As a mother of 5, I prefer to pay a flat rate, not a "per kid" or at least a "x amount for first child per hour and then each additional for x amount".  Make sense?  Otherwise you could just say, "x amount for 1-2 kids, or x amount for 3-4 kids.  Personally at your age, I'd try to keep it was 1 or 2 kids MAX because more than that can just be overwhelming, no MATTER the age, but definately the younger you are the harder it is!  

    I think that if you took a job for sitting for say 5 hours while mom and dad went to dinner and a movie, you could easily charge $25 for the night.  That is making $5 an hour for 1-2 kids.      

    Hope that helps you = and I also would look at the Babysitters Training Course given by the American Red Cross, that would help potential employers take you more seriously into their consideration.  

  11. Our babysitter was 13 when we first hired her and we paid her $2.50 an hour per kid.  We have two kids, so she made $5 an hour while she was here.  I know some people pay more for their sitters.  $5 an hour worked great for us.

  12. I charge either 5-10 dollars per child or 2-5 dollars a hour, depending on the family. It depends on th e babysitter though I don't really need money so I don't mind little or no money. I just like babysitting. So depending on the goals of the babysitter and your finacial situation I'd say anywhere between 5-15 dollars per child or 2-7.50 dollars an hour. You could also do a formula


    Y would be total payment

    A would be dollars additional per hours

    X would be number of hours

    B would be additional payment based on experience number of kids CPR and first aid certification ect.  

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