
How much would you pay at a horse show for someone to braid your horse's tail?

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Would you be willing to hire someone to just braid the tail, and find someone else to do the mane? Also, when saying how much you would pay, please say what area you are located in too, as I assume prices may vary.





  1. i would braid it myself but.. if i didnt i would say $10-15   pa

  2. i'm on long island, and its hard to really find someone at an actual show to do it on the spot for you. the grooms at my barn usually charge like $25.00 for the mane and like $50.00 for the tail. but we usually don't braid the tail unless we're going to HITS at saugerties or the hampton classic. and we only really braid the mane if we're going to an A or B rated show, but even then, not all the time. don't worry so much about braiding if its not a really big show. chances are you'll get there and half the horses won't be braided, so don't sweat it if you really don't want to spend the money on it.

  3. On the AA circuit the professional braiders are getting $100-125 per horse for mane and tail.  Very few people at the big shows braid their own horses, and even if the grooms know how they do not have the time.  I don't know of any barn that has one person for tails and a different person for manes.  I do know braiders who work together and one does the mane and the other does the tails, but most of the owners do not know that.

  4. I live in the NE U.S. and I would rather have one person do both the mane and tail. I might pay about $40 for the whole sha-bang, especially if the horse was particularly difficult to get done. :)

  5. Wisconsin and depending on the type of braid i would only pay about 5 dollars. maybe 10 if it was a really nice braid with a ribbon or a fancy braid.

  6. my horses tail takes forever when i bring her to shows. id pay the person about $50 or so if they do a thorough job. =)

  7. I live in Ky. I just do local shows and they dont require it to be done but if they did I would do it myself. If I didnt have the time or really didnt feel like it and decided to let someone at a show do it for me it would depend on what type of braid, and how well they did it. I guess I would pay around $10.00 - $30.00 Hope this helped you out

  8. I live in the US, in the New England area (sorry I can't be more specific, but there are creeps out there!). I would probably just find someone who does both, much more convient. Last, I would pay $5-10. I can't braid for my life! I really need to learn this summer! Hope I helped!

    EDIT: Pro-Kevin Jonas- FIFTY DOLLARS! ARE YOU KIDDING! I would definitely learn to braid for you if you'll pay me that much!

  9. i wouldn't pay at all i would do it myself as they horse may playt up for somebody else and also, there are instructions everywhere about how to plait a mane and tail, so its better to do it yourself.

  10. haha i braid for people all the time at shows for they did a good job i would say maybe $20-50 anywhere around there!

  11. In Pa at the rated shows you are gonna pay anywhere from $15-30.

  12. i would pay about 30$

  13. Im in NY.  I love braiding horse manes and tails.  but i would pay someone else maybe $5 for the tail and then $20 for the mane.  But are you talking about A-rated shows becasue i am 12 and just go to the little local shows at local show barns.  best of luck

  14. 10 dollers some where around their my sister pays

  15. In 1988 when I had my first attack of arthritis, I hired a gal from the LA Equestrian Center barn to braid both mane and tail and she charged me $60.00 and it was well worth the pay!  The following day Lil San WON the huntseat pleasure stakes which was about $300.00!

    Since then I taught all the kids how to braid properly...

  16. Usually a pro braider will do both - I don't know why you would need a different braider for each?  I'm in Michigan and a mane is somewhere around $40, a tail is about $25

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