
How much would you pay for a public surfing lesson?

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How much would you pay for a public surfing lesson?




  1. Live, Laugh, Love <3   is totally wrong about hawiia .   i was just there a week ago and i took a public surfing lesson on wakiki beach for 40 bucks. you got an hour lesson plus you got to use the board all day long .  so i say dont pay more than 40 to 50 dollars

  2. I wouldn't get public lessons in the first place. you don't learn anything

  3. I know they have public surfing lessons in Waikiki, but I wouldn't pay a penny, I learned how to surf at a very young age, as most locals do.... So I can't imagine someone paying for  public surfing lessons.  Why don't you just get some friends who knows how to surf and have them teach you?  It's all about balance and style, and fairly easy to learn, or perhaps you could learn how to body surf first, and while that would help to teach you balance, nothing comes close to the rush of surfing with a surfboard... .... Good Luck!  =P

  4. like $45.00/hr   considering i know nothing about it at all.

  5. i would pay about 25-40 dollars, but you don't learn very much in public lessons because they can only help a few people if a bunch of people are stuck. i would say do private lesson for about $50 per person. you can immeadiatly get help when you need it, and you learn much faster. also, not many distractions if you have a short attention span.

  6. You're g*y right?

  7. at the surf schools here in santa cruz, including the one i taught at, charge about $80/person for a group lesson and $90/person for individual lessons. group lessons are good because everyone is of about the same skill level and there are usually about 2-3 students for every instructor so you do get lots of individual help too.

  8. $20 ? Depends on the place because ya know Hawaii is superr expensive but like Nova Scotia is like..nova scotia lol the surf isn't that great..

  9. I am not sure what you mean by a "public" surfing lesson. Is that some sort of thing offered by some really cool city department of recreation? If you mean a group lesson?  That can be very cool, depending on the instructor to student ratio. Don't expect a definitive (read Dollars and cents) answer to this question.

    I suggest you go to a local surf shop and ask the folks there about lessons. I mean a real surf shop, not a bathing suit store that sells surfboards. The surf shop folks either have somebody on staff or some people to recommend for surf lessons. Real surfers don't make a lot a money doing this sort of thing, so it won't cost you too much. (Unless you are going to some Sleazy 'pop-out' emporium, where they want to sell you schlockey lessons and get you to buy some mass produced piece of junk surfboard, cranked out in some former Soviet bloc country factory). Get the lessons. It can't hurt, and it's worth the money. There is no stoke greater than surfing, so go get wet.

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