
How much would you pay for someone to clean your house?

by  |  earlier

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And would you pay them by the hour or by the job? I had someone give me an estimate the other day and they wanted $25.00 an hour. I thought that was too high. They wanted $100.00 a week (for two girls working together) just to clean both bathrooms, dust (very little nick-nacks), sweep and mop my floors in the bathrooms and kitchen and sweep my hardwoods and occasionally mop them. No dishes, no laundry. I would think it would take someone maybe 2 1/2 to 3 hours to do this. I'm was thinking more along the line of $10.00 to $15.00 an hour. These girls probably aren't paying taxes either...




  1. I paid $80.00 every two weeks for a team of two to clean my 1250 square foot, 2 bed/bath condo. No dishes or laundry. Just dusting, scrubbing, vacuuming and mopping. This was 2 years ago  in Southern California. You are paying for a physical labor service, and the cleaning supplies. Let's face it cleaning toilets and showers is way  more gross than book keeping.

    Bartenders and waitresses also make more than $10.00 and hour, again it is physical labor service.

  2. I think that 15.00 an hour is enough.... i have heard that some are getting 13.00 also it depends on where you live...midwest little cheaper.

  3. I'm not to sure about rates but I live in the southeast as well south carolina to be exact. 25 an hour is alot to do hardly nothing going by what you described they most likely jacked the price because there are two of them. I'm not sure how you would price it by the job are the hour. Hourly I wouldn't go over 13-15 dollars an hour. House Keepers are worth the money Sometimes if there good ones. Good Luck keep looking if your not sure

  4. $15,00 an hour sounds   just right!!

  5. I would say it depends on the size of the house and what all you're wanting them to do.  They may be a *little* high, but I have a friend who cleans houses and I think that's about right.  They're probably asking that much b'c there's 2 of them.  If you look at it as giving one person $50/week to clean, then it sounds better in your head, LOL

  6. I would ask no less than $25/hr and anything over 5 minutes more than an hour would count as an hour.

    Yes, that is high, but do you want to do it yourself? Answer is NO! So you, even tho you are more educated than they are, doesn't matter. It is a convenience thing. You want the convenience of having your weekends and other days off, free from housework, so you will have to pay.

    House keepers are worth every penny they charge!!!

  7. I clean a friends house.. Just the common areas for 2 hours a day 5 days a week so that's $100... I dust, vacuum, load/unload the dishwasher, mop the floors... Clean the bathroom(s).. It takes me acouple of hours.  If no one is home I can bang it out in about 45 minutes....  

  8. I pay $20 an hour.  $10 an hour is not a living wage around here.  They do a decent (but not perfect) job, and house cleaners making a living wage are less tempted to steal stuff.

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