
How much would you pay someone to do your weekly grocery shopping?

by  |  earlier

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I just thinking of a new business idea. I know I really hate to grocery shop. How about you? How much are you willing to pay someone to do it for you weekly and/or much of a percentage of your bill would you pay?




  1. Nothing. I like to see what's on sale, read labels, see what's new or in season now, find stuff I forgot I needed. It would probably take me as long to make up a list for someone else as it takes to do my own shopping.

  2. $0.00, I like grocery shopping

  3. depends if you're using their car and how far the store is from the persons home. great idea!!

  4. I wouldn't pay someone else. I like getting the things I need and comparing prices and trying to find the best bargin. I wouldn't want someone else to do that for me.

  5. maybe if like it was $100.00 worth of groceries, I would pay $20.00 or 20%. Hey, hook me up!

  6. not a lot probably.

  7. This is very popular in the area I live in.  You first need to be in an area with a very high income per cap.  And in an area where the majority of people have a very high disposable income.  I personally would be willing to pay about 18% of my bill plus a gas fee. Here's the problem, once you become very successful, depending on how high end your grocery stores are they may start offering their own services.  The two that I use religously are FREE the first use then only $4.75 each additional trip!  You have to give them a time at least two hours from the time you place your order. You simply pull to the curb, press the little call box and they bring your groceries out to your car and pack your vehicle for you.  The reason your business would still thrive if that happens is that you could market to the crowd that this still isn't convient for.  Some people may not want to  have to unload that car.  An advertised perk for you could be that you not only go pick them up, you unload them directly into their kitchen.  That's worth the extra money to someone who's elderly.  Also you could possibly offer the service of picking up prescriptions.

    Here's the websites of the grocery stores I use.

  8. nothing especially if they are already going there

  9. I'd pay them with s*x.

    So I'd pay them a lot.

  10. I would give them a list of what i want give them a certain sum of money and tell to keep what evers left.

  11. Probely 50 a week

  12. grocery shopping is fun!!! if u pay me $50 ill do it!! lol

  13. $0. If I were elderly, I might be willing to pay someone to do this for me, but with the cost of gas right now, I don't have the extra money to pay someone to do my errands!!!

  14. Not me, I'm too cheap to pay for that. Plus I really don't mind it.

  15. 7o dollars even

  16. i would probably pay maybe $30

  17. $0.01. i'm a cheapskate =D


  19. $50

    That seems faqir to me.



  20. A flat rate for the trouble, maybe $10.

      Also, if your workers use their own car you should compensate them for gas and the use of their car (every little use of a car would depreciate its value and require them to tune it up/fix it sooner.

      After that I'd go with a percentage of the bill.  That percent could add up to a lot or a little, so set it so that the public will both seek to be hired and pay for the service.  Supply and demand.  

    Good luck!

  21. Not really anything at all.  Is is that hard to go to the store people?

  22. I hate to grocery shop - my husband does it for us.  I've often thought he should go into the business. I would imagine that you'd first have to have a delivery/drop off fee - gas isn't cheap. Then time could be factored - I wouldn't want to pay on a % - you might not want to charge on % - 50 can goods are heavy and inexpensive - but cheap on the customer. You might want to expand your business to include your getting to keep coupon discounts and perhaps offering the service of putting it all away. Seriously - there are people out there that don't want to do any of this (me) and have the means to pay for someone else to do it (not me).

    Good luck!

  23. Yeah, I'd just do it myself.  You know you'd be spending more money buying the groceries and paying the people.

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