
How much would you pay to know the full-story on 9/11?

by  |  earlier

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I mean, obviously we haven't been told the whole truth. How much would you pay to hear the complete story? I'd shell out every penny.




  1. Considering that we live in an age where there are no secrets; I mean really, they cant even keep the private acts of two people in the oval office secret, I find a great and grand conspirecy theory to be nothing more than a great and complex answer to satisfy the active imaginations of people.  Sorry.  Too many people would have had to be involved.

  2. Consdering all the documentaries, new articles, engineering analysis, eyewitness accounts, conspiracy theories, etc., I'd say the issue has pretty much been resolved.  Let's focus on the future.

  3. I think the whole story is out already.  Conspiracy theories in this case are far-fetched at best.

  4. we all know there was some monkey business going on there. the theory anybody with a brain has is bush set it up so that we could go to war with the oil suppliers so that his oil buddies could jack up the price.

  5. The 9-11 Commission Report is free.  Anyone who paid for a copy got scammed.  It's a government document, paid for by our tax dollars.

    And the issue of Popular Mechanics dealing with the towers was $4.95 I think.

    So I'd pay $4.95.

  6. Nothing already know the truth, thank you have a nice day.

  7. my copy of the report was $10.00, it probably costs a bit more now

    ***ouch, that hurt my feelings

  8. tree fitfty

  9. I already know the full story.

  10. I am more interested in the present and future. Not what's in the past.

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