
How much would you pay to punch out hypocrites like John Edwards and Bill Clinton?

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These are the amoral secularists who endorse Jesus but obviously only believe in materialistic gratification and scoff at morality, only legal codes and manipulation. Anything that is legal is okay with John and Bill.

Ultimately, that may really not be the most logical and intelligent course for humankind.




  1. I'd pay to have McCain's wife. Then pay to see John Edwards and Bill Clinton in a UFC MMA match.

  2. What about McCain? He had an affair too! He was still married when he began his relationship with Cindy. Do you want to punch him or do you only punch dems?

    I wouldn't punch anyone. I'm for peace!  

  3. Relegating them to political has-beens, and historical footnotes, which is now happening, will hurt them far more than any physical punch ever could

  4. I would pay nothing.  I wouldn't waste my time on it.

    But you're forgetting, Amoral greed and cluelessness doesn't rest with just secular people...your description above would also perfectly fit the so-called "religious fundamentalists" like Ted Haggard, who are more sick because of their total hypocracy.  

  5. Nothing, neither one is worth the time or the money.

  6. Ultimately, they are not worth my time.

  7. Sorry I was not born perfect and have my own worries, and I am not concerned about someone elses private affairs.

  8. I wouldn't pay anything and I wouldn't punch them.  S h i t splatters you know.

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