
How much would you price a children's book at a garage sale?

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I offered her 15 dollars for 27 children's books and she looked offended.

50 cents for a baby/child's book is reasonable at a garage sale, no??




  1. It would depend on whether they were hardback books or paper covers, and on their condition.  I have purchased hardback books that looked brand new for several dollars apiece, up to $10 for ones that had good condition CD's or tapes with them, but paid only pennies for ratty ones with paper covers.

    Personally, I think people who are running garage sales should put PRICES on things instead of making people guess and then being offended if the guess is too low.  When I go to a sale with no posted prices I feel like I'm being forced into playing "make a guess - that's not right -- guess again - that's not right either".  My least favorite game!

  2. I price them 10-25cents!!!!  What kind of magical children's books were they??  If they are worth over 50cents each they must be great books!

  3. Unless it was a brand-new book or an antique worth a lot of money I say 25-50 cents per book

  4. Sort of depends on the books...

    Try bumping it up to like 20 dollars see what she says :o

  5. Yes, 50 cents is reasonable, especially if you are buying a bunch at a time.  I would never pay more than $1.00 at a yard sale for a kids book, and then it has to be in excellent condition and something I really want.  A quarter - 50 cents would be the norm.  

    I was at one yard sale where the lady was asking $2.00 a book!  I  resisted the urge to laugh at her, and just said "no thank you".  

  6. Depends on the quality - my Mother In Law is THE garage sale queen and she usually pays between 20c & $1 depending on the condition of the book (When i say queen, I mean she would go to every one in our area, plus we have had half a dozen garage sales ourselves.)

    Some people do get a bit funny as they think it is some kind of insult to them personally that you will not pay top dollar for their stuff!! Stick to your guns, if they want to sell, they will accept (or at least bargain with you!!)

  7. It depends on the book and the condition it is in.  If it is a modern book in excellent condition, I can see why she would get offended.

  8. sounds very reasonable to me

  9. Wow, I would of said 20c for the normal story books with the golden bind, for hard back ones, maybe $1 depending whether it's good quality and not torn or rugged edges or anything, if not so good in quality less $. $15 for 27 books seems reasonable, after all it's a garage sale they are meant ot be cheap, if the owner wanted more of what they were costing originally she needs to sell them privately but not through a garage sale.

  10. i was thinking more like 15 cents! i agree with you at a garage sale they should be cheap! no matter how much she bought them for! once i was at a garage sale and i was going to get my duaghter a baby swing for her fake baby and they wanted $20 for it! i could have went and bought a brand new one for $10! i understand your frusration! but i agree with you

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