
How much would you spend on gasoline to drive out to mexico in a V8 SUV?

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About how much would the cost be on gasoline to drive out to Mexico in a V8 SUV? I'm planning a trip soon as would like to estimate the cost so that I know about how much I would need to set aside for gas.




  1. Well, are you in San Diego or New York?  It might  make a difference you know.

  2. Figure out how many miles your going to drive, then how many miles per gallon your SUV gets. Divided the mileage into miles to be driven, that will tell you how many gallons of gas needed. Multiply coast of gas per gallon by gallons that will be used. You will have the cost of your trip.

  3. Go to Yahoo Maps and put in your starting an stopping points on the map. That will give you the total distance. Lets says that 1200 miles, take the highway milage (user your cruise as much as possible) say 20mpg (1200/20) it'll take about 60 gallons of gas or about $200 (~$3 a gal). My Ford F150 with a 4.6L V8 gets about 22mpg on the highway at 60 with the cruise on 95% of the time. Goes down to about 17-18 without the cruise.

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