
How much would you tip a pizza hut delivery guy?

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How much would you tip a pizza hut delivery guy?




  1. It depends if the weather is bad I tip then $5 or $6. Regular weather $3 to $5.

  2. i would probably have to say 2-5.00

    depending on the time

  3. Why not buy a frozen pizza, then put it in the oven when you hungry, and it will noit be so full of c**p?

  4. It cost the driver that comes to your house .45 cents per mile to operate the cheapest of cars.   That money comes out of the drivers pocket,  The delivery charge that is added to your bil almost always oes directly to the restaraunt owner to cover extra packaging and such.  You need to figure out how many miles he drives (both ways) to and from your location, and pay him 45 cents per mile so that he will break even, then ontom of that, give him/her an amount of money you see fit for his service or the amount of time it takes to get to your loacation, maybe pay more if its snowing/or there is a storm, or perhaps you ar attop a 6 story appartment staircase.  Yes it is a lot of money, and if you cant afford it you shouldnt ask for it, delivery drivers know where you live, and every delivery driver i know will goto the highest bidders before the lowest ones, they may even bump your order ahead of the peopel they lose money to when you pay them properly so it is in your best interest to pay the delivery driver.

    It is not the delivery drivers fault if it takes 2 hours to get you your food on a friday or saturday night, one hour after your order it is not uncommon to see your order still waiting behind several orders ahead of you.  Drivers often find themselve sitting and waiting for orders to be completed, and they know you have been waiting and mey even skid their tired to try and help you out, so dont take it out on them when your food is late.

    It is growing increasingly pricy to have food delivered, and a 1 or 2 dollar tip will oftan result i the driver LOSING money coming to your house, if you are not prepaired or willing to accept the facts of the tipping required to fuly compensate the driver for his/her expenses, you should pick up your food.

    It is up to the patrons to keep the delivery buisness alive by keeping the drivers in buisness, all too oftan am i running deliveries at a loss, and if it becomes too frequent, myself, and all the other drivers will no longer offer free delivery and you may end up paying fees that the drivers specify.

    At my restaraunt i have the authority to organise deliveries to be cooked in the order i see fit, if i make money coming to your house, i will ensure they make it promptly, sometimes even pushing it ahead of take out orders, if you do not pay me well and i lose money, i will only take your order when paired up with another order in the same area, this may require me to wait untill one calls in so it will take a very long time for your order to be made.  If you stiff me entirely i often will refuse delivery i the future and have a zero tolerance for such juvenile activity, unless you have a VERY good reason, like i drive onto your lawn accidently and ran over your cat.

    1 dollar is NEVER enough money, 2 dollars is RARELY acceptable, and three dolars is sometimes ok, but all too often it is only a break even deal, and the driver makes no money, if the driver makes no money, its basically the same as yo stffing him, because he still puts forth his time, use the method above and your tips will fal between 2 and 12 dollars depending on where  you live, or if in doubt ask the driver what he will accept.

  5. like $2.00

  6. For good service and quick delivery, I give a tip of $3.00 plus they keep any odd change.  Most of my orders are about $15 to $18 each time.  Recently the Pizza Man brought my order and it was dark and pouring down rain, so I gave him an extra $1.00.


  8. $3.00

  9. Yesterday I tipped the Pizza Hut delivery guy $7.

  10. $2-$3 depending on how much my order is.  If it is under $25 then $2 if it is between $25 and $40 -$3, and if it is a lot like over $50 then I give them a $5.  They are doing this for a living and if you went out to a restaraunt how much would you leave??  I use the same principal!

  11. $1 or $2

  12. Good service - $4 to $5

    Bad service - $2 to $3

    Bad weather - (i feel bad) - $5 to $6

    Hot guy.... - $5 to $6

  13. 15% or $2 which ever is more

  14. 2 or 3 dollars

  15. 10% of the bill (excl. tax), at least $1 for bills up to $10. Should tip 15%-20% for a difficult delivery.

    Pizza Delivery Guys perform a service by bringing dinner to your door. They take on financial costs and difficulties, more than most people realize. Pizza delivery is considered a hazardous job by the US government. They are third most likely to be murdered on the job, right after police officer and taxi driver.

    Some people are not aware of this. I didn't know for a long time. You're supposed to tip the pizza delivery driver like you tip the waiter. They rely on tips and use their own car. This site will explore your questions about tipping and how you can speed up the delivery time.

    Your tips are greatly appreciated. It's what keeps drivers moving.

  16. If service was good like $5.00 if it was a crappy maybe 2 and if he was hot $5 + $5 for being hot

  17. I'm a big tipper and I delivered pizza in highschool so I'd say $5.00 and up.  Most people tip $2 to $3 I guess.

  18. depends on the weather and how hard it is to get to the required destination. it would also depend on how long it took for he/she to arrive, how polite he/she was (trust me, I've gotten some delivery people with attitude problems) and if he/she got my order right.

    just an estimate: anywhere from $2-$10

    enjoy your pizza.


  19. i'd tip him by inviting him in and giving him the time of his life.

    just kidding.

  20. 2-3 bucks..

  21. if the oizza arrived on time and the order was right  two dollars

  22. the most i will is 7 dollars

  23. i would tip him, if he was cute, $2.86 and if he was ugly, $1.24.

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