
How much would you wet yourself laughing if obama doesnt make president?

by  |  earlier

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millions of dollars,tons of hype and in britain his opponent gets virtually no news coverage




  1. Get ready to wet yourself.

  2. It's a possibility but I think that McCain may be a warmonger, so perhaps it would be best if he did get in.

  3. Obama will be the one wetting himself because he will owe George Soros money for losing.  

  4. he will make president

    I have faith in him

    please answer mine

  5. It would be my pleasure to wear rubber pants.

  6. hahahaaaaa!

    that's what's going to happen

    everyone stays in WC for a while

  7. Consider the alternative to Obama. Now that is frightening!

    More narrow minded extreme right wing American foreign policy delivered down a gun barrel.

    I wouldn't be laughing.

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