
How much you contribute to environmental pollution? Explain your efforts in reducing pollution?

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  1. Instead of us explaining ourselves to you, why don't you explain your efforts to us first.

  2. I believe that the best thing to do to reduce pollution is to conserve. I think that people get so caught up in thing that they enjoy that they forget that resources are limited. People tend to over consume and even sometimes get greedy. M. Gandhi once said, "The earth provides enough to satisfy everyone’s need, but not enough to satisfy everyone’s greed."

    I myself, like to enjoy everything the world has to offer. I don't think it's wrong to live it up a little, as long as it is controlled and is not abused.

  3. It is sure that we do create environmental pollution knowingly because of our everyday needs but can not control that easily. For reducing the pollution we grow trees, plants around the house. No littering. Trying to keep clean inside and outside the house. Recycling helps, we have that program in our town so we throw papers, plastic bottles, cans in recycling bin. No loud noise anywhere outside by not using high volume music in order to not produce noise pollution. Using public transportation, carpooling helps. In future planning to use hybrid car.

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