
How much you know about occupational therapy..?

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what a role of occupational therapy in society..

and what different occupational therapy with physiotherapy..




  1. Children in special education often need to have developmental training due to muscular or neurological disorders.  Experts that provide this training are respectively known as physical therapists and occupational therapists.  PT works mostly with the large muscles, such as the arms and legs.  OT works mostly with fine motor movements, such as the fingers and hands.  Additionally, speech therapists work with the complex coordination of the various muscles in the mouth that produce speech.

  2. I know a little bit... :)

    OT works to address the skills needed to get throught the day. Everything from the time one gets up to the time they go to bed. OT addresses someone's "occupation". For kids their occupation is playing to learn and develop or going to school. For adults it is everything from an actual job to cooking to laundry.

    True that OT/PT line could be divided into large/fine muscles groups but it is much more than that.

    OT takes a holistic approach which means looking how a disability or injury affects a person physically, emotionaly and even spiritualy.

    OT strives for as much indepence in any given task, because as humans we wish to be as independent as possible.

    Doing laundy sucks but the inability to do it sucks even more!!

    I like to say that PT's work to address getting from A to B and having the strength and endurance to get there, while OT will address what it is you are going to do when you get there.

    In society it basically means purposeful use of time. If people don't feel that they are independent and purposeful and the things they engage in are purposeful, it would be a pitiful life.

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