
How much you pay for a can of balls?

by  |  earlier

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have you noticed the price hike? between me any my hitting partner, we need 3 cans a week, 12 cans/mo. add up...

i used to be able to find Dunlop for $1.79 at big-5, now it is $2.15. how much you pay for a can?




  1. Your question would depend upon how serious you play. If you play a lot, go to online (tennisware house) or local like costco to get a case (12 or 24 cans) in a box. That would save you a little bit. However,  If you just play few days in a month, buy 1-2 can should be enough. An average tennis ball would be about $.50 or $1.00.

    For me, I play several time in a week, so I got everything in bulk: case of tennis ball, 10-20 packs on over-grip, tennis string on reels.

  2. around 2 bucks

  3. I buy them at Costco.  If I remember correctly, they are about $28 for a case of 15 cans.  That comes out to about $1.87 a can :)

  4. Lucky, the balls in the UK cost on average £8 a tin, $16. I get them for £3 though. Crazy, I didn't know you got them so cheaply  in the states.

  5. $3.00-4.00 usually, unless they're on sale.  But I only play with Penn or Wilson, and I live in San Francisco, where everything seems to be more expensive.  Dunlop may be cheaper.

  6. I don't pay anything. 5 finger discount brutha!

  7. get them free with orange juice tropicana

  8. I get the penn balls from wal-mart or target for 1.97 a can.

  9. I pay for a 4-ball can of Penn ATP's $1.89 per can .... Dallas, TX!

    I also [play with Wilson US Opens @ $2.49 per can (use those for match play) .... the ATP's are good for match play too ... and seem to last a good time ....

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