
How much you pay to get home schooled??

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How u get homeschooled???....How Much U Have To Pay???....All Details If possible...Thx




  1. OKay well my mom does not teach me. I go to This is an online school. It is funded by the government as is public school which means it is free. My mom put me in homeschool because I was being a bad girl at day school. LOL. Well they ship you certain supplies. A laptop, books, and a printer. It is fairly easy. You just have to get used to the curriculum. Some pros of homeschool would be that it has flexibility. YOu dont have that at public school. You have to do a certain number of hours a day or a week and I feel like it is a well balnce. Though some pros are technical difficulties, boredom, lonesome. Well maybe for me since I am grounded. But I do not enjoy it. I so much rather go to day school. Though give it a try, what can you lose? Though it does take a certain number of days to get you enrolled. I think sometimes over a month.

  2. We don't pay much for books. We don't buy pre-packaged curricula. We use the library and the internet as our main researching tool. We keep on the lookouts for garage sales and such for used text books or buy inexpensive dime-store workbooks for practice.

    We do purchase some basic supplies every year at the back to school sales-- notebooks, crayons, pencils, folders, glue, etc., which usually comes out to about $30 for 3 kids.

    While it's not necessary, we choose to put the bulk of our budget towards classes and memberships at places like children's museums. However, I teach homeschool classes too, and that's the money I use for my kids' classes, so it evens out and doesn't really cost much.

    Then there is our annual evaluation for about $20

  3. Homeschooling is where your parent (in compliance with your state laws) teaches you at home.  Your parents decide what to teach you and how they will teach you.  It can take different forms - textbooks, online courses, projects, etc.  The amount it costs depends on the materials you use.  

    Some people homeschool for free using their local library.  Some people spend thousands of dollars.  Each family is different.

    Here is some info on textbook and computer based programs:

    Here's some info on affordable homeschooling:

  4. the curriculum we use is computer based and is about $300 for a grade, then electives for the high school, they tend to be $50 + but we do not strictly buy electives that way

    because of the requirements of the state of FL we are registered with an privet school that records our grades and offers help and counseling and that is under $200 a year for all children

  5. I don't think you have to pay.

  6. Jazzy gave you great info, and I second it.  Homeschooling can cost thousands, or it can cost less than $50 per year.  I homeschool my 5th grade son for around $300 per year.

    It really depends on what sort of resources you need for your coursework, whether you choose to use textbooks, DVD courses, online courses, or co op/concurrent enrollment.  There are tons of opportunities; you and your parents need to pick the ones that are right for you.

    Go to Jazzy's links, look around, and talk with your parents.  There is no set expense list for homeschooling - it all depends on what you need, what you choose, and what is available in your state.

  7. If you're interested in theatre, you may be wondering if homeschooling will help you get work as an actor. The answer is, maybe.

    Professional child actors often have tutors who work with them on TV or movie sets, to ensure they get an education. Ambitious families may decide to homeschool a kid so they're available for day work, or travel. But these options, like most homeschooling, require a pretty big committment from the parents. If your parents aren't onboard with it, you probably won't be ready for the challenges that you may face, legally. Each state has laws that control what is seen as 'legal" ways to homeschool. Knowing what those are in your area is a good first step.

    Here's a link that can get you started with that. Good luck.

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