
How mugh training ballpark should i do before i can hold my own in amatuer boxing fights?

by  |  earlier

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I went to my 1st training session and loved it. I plan to train 3-3.5 hours during the week. and like 6 hours on the weekend. I'm already in fairly good shape already. I've been working out in just the last 2 months and have gone from 145lbs to 162lbs and am 5'8 19 years old. i was lifting weights 5 days of the week. and running every day. usually two days of, 5 or 6 mile runs followed by a 10 mile run followed by consecutive 3 mile runs, and on the last day of the week i do my suicide run which measure just ove 23 miles. It's certainly helped with my cardio but boxing cardio is different. although all the running i've been doing did make me able to hold my own cardio wise even though the cardio is completely different, since the only other new guy was dead after an hour and i still givered for an hour after that.




  1. At 162lb and 5'8.. your short for your weight in boxing. So itd probably be a good idea to stop lifting for mass. If you still want to lift, do reps of upto 4 reps at 80% of your 1RMax. so you still achieve strength gains, with achieving muscular hypertrophy and the resulting mass.

    Anyways, with a great cardio background you shouldnt have that much work to get to the type of fitness boxing is. Its hard to say how you will adapt to the skills, but set yourself to have a fight within 8months as a goal. As i said, with your base you should be a bit quicker then that, however.

    Most people will fight within 2 - 12months of walking into the gym.

  2. Your training sounds like it's pretty good so far, now you have to learn the boxing part of the game. no one can really tell you how much training you will need to get in the ring, but if your trainer is a good trainer he'll match you up with some one with similar experiance as yours. but in the mean time you can watch, listen. and learn because everyone's different when it comes to learning so just take it serious and give your all and just like anything in the world it'll work out for you.

  3. Its not how much training you need to do, but how fit you need to be to compete in amatuer boxing. Fighting ameatuer at your wieght requires a high work rate for 3 rounds. Therefore before considering fighting you'd want to be able to spar a solid 4 rounds..  good luck

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