
How mush suspension should i use on trails?

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How mush suspension should i use on trails?




  1. If you have set suspension u dont really have a choice but if you have U-turns (adjustable travel) you sould use about 80 for flat trails 100 for rocky trail 130 for trails with drops and big rock gardens ans 160 (if yours goes up to that) for hardcore trails.

  2. well it depends what trails. If your going on heavy trails with big drops i would suggest full suspension. If your doing just some normal trails with some little drops go with a hardtail

  3. Use as much as you want.   If its a really smoothe, level trail w/o any roots, rocks or bumps, you can get by with a midrange setting on your fork.  If you have a fair amount of really rugged terrain, then you need it more 'sloppy' .  Try running over a section several times with different settings and see what you like.

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