
How mush time do u got inbetween classes in middle school!!

by  |  earlier

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im going into middle school and i need help




  1. it depends on the school and the schedule and how long ur classes are. i have about 7 periods including lunch and a 15 min brake. and we get bout 2-3 min in between just enough to go to our lockers and get to class on time if u hurry.

  2. Like another person said it all depends on the school, but probably anywhere from 7-10 minutes maybe a little more. If you still don't know by the time school starts ask a teacher. Someone is bound to have an answer for you.

    Good luck.

  3. I got 7 minutes for passing periods.

  4. I got only 3 minutes.

    Usually around 3-8 minutes I guess.

  5. well where i go we get only 4 mins, i guess it really depends on where you go. check ur schedule for timings on passing periods.

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