
How non-verbal communication affects the impact you have on other people?

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How non-verbal communication affects the impact you have on other people?




  1. Hello,

    (ANS) What is frequently not mentioned in any discussion on non verbal communication is that by its very nature non verbal communication tends to be unconscious (below everyday awareness). So having said this, we all give out non verbal signals in our daily interactions with other people. These non verbal signals are "read" unconsciously by other people and add to the first impressions we make on each other.

    Its often the non verbal signals that tell us if a person is feeling hostile or happily disposed to us socially.

    **Non verbal signals can come in the form of feelings (un-expressed emotions) i.e. I just got this uncomfortable vibe from her ,etc.

    **Can be body language i.e. if your sitting with your legs crossed or open?

    **Can be how you brush your hair away from your face or eyes, touch your nose etc.

    **NOTE:- it takes a skilled & trained person to read the non verbal (unconscious) signals alone independently from the more overt verbal communication.

    **Non verbal signals shouldn't be focused on solely though, they are an integral part of all our communications. YES! a very fascinating aspect of human communications.


  2. since that is not a special ed related question, you have posted in the wrong section

    this is Special Ed

    please learn what special ed is, and how to use yahoo answers properly

    thank you

  3. It has a profound impact on other people and it is related to one's culture. What a person in the US might read as "boredom," in America could be read as arrogance in China.

    Some people can read non-verbal communication better than others, with women scoring higher than men. That may be why women are more impacted by eye language, touch, body space  and body language more than men. Women tend to use non-verbal communication to establish personal connections, while men tend to use it more to dominate or isolate.

    I have often told people that when I am in a room, I don't notice what people are wearing, but I know how they are feeling. I must be reading non-verbal communication as well as listening to my intuition. That impacts the way I am going to communicate with the other people. And sometimes I am dead wrong.............

  4. The first message you convey when meeting someone for the first time, is non-verbal.

    Non-verbal messages speak much louder than verbal messages, especially in the first 2 minutes.

    Learn body-language to better communicate, and to make a more positive impression.

  5. well, think of it this way.

    making eye-contact:

    if youre talking to someone and they won't look at you, what do you think?

    They don't care, aren't paying attention.

  6. Think about your body language and facial expressions you use when communication with people.

    if I am talking to you and you  have a bored look on your face and you are looking around you and fidgeting with something.

    That tells me you don't want to listen to me.Yet you haven't said a word to me.

    That might have negative impact on how I treat you in the future, or how I think you will treat me in the future.

    Whereas if you have an interested, smiling, friendly face I would think differently.

    Non verbal communication can be more effective than verbal communication

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