
How not to be Shy and Stand Out....?

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I am known for being a more 'quiet' girl shall i say. So what can i do to stand out more and be more confident?

Also, sometimes when i talk to people i look away or my body language shows awkwardness.

Also i feel that when im talking, my voice starts to slowly fade away and it becoves really dry and monotone.

PLEASE!!! give me tips on beign more confident and when talking,,, to Talk better!!!

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  1. Just be yourself. Remember it's mind over matter. Those who are your true friends won't mind and those who do, don't matter!  

  2. Drink more tequila.

    It really helps women open up.................

  3. Wear clothing that makes you feel good

    Keep you eyes up

    Tell yourself to relax wen talking to/hanging out with people and just try not to think about your body, your voice, focus on being bold and confident.

  4. I am not shy and stand out by not giving a monkeys what people think. that way i say and do what i want. i do realise there are things you cant say, but in general, anything goes.

  5. You've done the hard work by criticizing yourself. You know exactly what you're doing wrong. So, next time you carry a conversation be conscious about those things. If you catch your eyes looking away, concentrate, and look into their eyes. Remember, practice makes perfect.

  6. Have a sense of humor & display it.  

    Think about funny things, you'll laugh eventually.  Ask interesting questions that force people to choose a side & then ask questions that the opposing side would ask like it's a debate.  

    Blink when you're staring at someone outside of you periphrial vision.  If you don't blink people will know that you're staring at them.

    Start talking to someone that understands your sense of humor and then flare your nostrils at them and hold it.  

  7. drink more, stop thinking about how you look when talking and stop being so into yourself, think about the other people around you that have to put up with ur insecurities  (trust me that can be frustrating)  

  8. You could try and use Paul McKenna's therapy CD which is like 30 minutes of confidence boosting sub conscious material.

    Or your could try and start small. Set your self mini-goals everyday. Like I will talk to "enter name here" for three minutes without messing with hands or turning away (if those are traits of awkwardness you show). By doing small things you can build up confidence.

    Also, if you have low self-esteem try making lists of your positive traits and why people want to talk to you.

    Keep thinking - what do you have to lose?

  9. smoke weed it really opens you up to new people who accept you for who u are

  10. smoke a joint drink some beer, and you'll lose that shyness.

  11. Just in your head push any doubts or qualms about yourself away.  Be confident.  If you want people to think your confident then you have to convince yourself first and no one can tell you how to be confident because its all you and whats up in your head.  When you say something say it in a loud proud voice i mean why say something if your not really going to mean it.  When you talk look at people in the eyes hold your chin up and stand straight and tall.  Walk and talk like you have a purpose.  And have I don't care if you don't want to hear what I have to  say because I'm saying it anyway kind of attitude.

  12. Well, something that I learned from my husband is that those that stand out are the ones that are going to be noticed more in the workplace and is the first name that will be picked to do anything. Its like the popular kid that falls on the floor and everyone laughs and always remembers. If people dont know the quiet one, they laugh or giggle and forget. I was never popular but that didnt mean i didnt have friends. instead people considered me a chill person that didnt try too hard. You becoome a good unique and when when you meet someone, they try to figure out whats so diff about you. Others expect the pretty girls to be the most exciting thing in the world but then they realize, their all the same and they start to get tired of them. All i think is that you should project confidence and keep your back straight. The best advice I got was "the most inexpensive way to change your looks is to smile" and pleease dont be a cheesy person that smiles at EVERYTHING but cute, smirk or smile all the way. I get compliments for my smile all the time. And, enhance your best feature, whether its your smile, eyes, legs.....whatever it is, be proud and make it look good.

  13. Congratulations on your decision to gain self confidence!

    There are many ways to overcome shyness.


    One way  is to (in a safe environment) ignore Mom's advice and talk to strangers.

    When you are in line at an amusement park ask the other people in line where they are from or what rides they enjoyed that day. Start conversations at the grocery store, the bookstore, a concert.

    These are people that you don't know, that you will never see again so who cares what they think? They are just practice  people. (Please be aware and safe and not give self information-I am assuming you are an older teen or young 20-something)

    2. Gain self confidence in your appearance.

    Exercise daily. Even if you just walk. Make sure when you leave the house your hair is washed and combed and that you are wearing clean clothes that fit and that you feel good in. If you don't have clothes that fit or that you feel good in... then try to save some money and buy one outfit that you feel PHENOMENAL in.

    3. Become an interesting person.

    If you feel interesting then you act interesting.

    Branch out and learn new things. Take up a new craft or hobby.

    If you always wanted to scuba, take a scuba class. Travel. Watch or learn a sport.

    Volunteer!! This is a great way to learn new things, pad a resume and meet new people all while doing something good for your community.

    Find your passion and volunteer.

    4. Be Informed

    Read the newspaper and watch the news (local and national) daily. If you are aware and informed about current events (world, national, local, entertainment, sports, science) then you can speak to ANY one on ANY level.

    5. More practice.

    Seek out a public speaking course or opportunities in your area. Contact your community theater and take a class. Volunteer at the local zoo offering to do mini-info sessions on the African Tree Frog.

    Contact Toastmasters International and visit them! This is a club that teaches and offers opportunities to hone your public speaking skills. They have juniors groups as well. It is an amazing experience.

    Good Luck... and welcome to the new you!

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