
How not to be a complainer?

by Guest57805  |  earlier

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Most of the time, I complain about things that happen so recently. Now I'm in college, I still be complaing about when I was play high school football on why we go put out the playoffs and why I didn't get enough playing time. I still complain on why I still don't have a car due to family issues and finances. Even though both of these sitiations were not my fault I always complain these recent situations, just about every situation that occur that that involves aiming downward I always complain about it. I would like to move on and leave all of those situations behind. I would like to be the one who do's not the one who speaks.




  1. Ask yourself are people happy to see me enter the room, or are they happy to see me leave? You realize that you have a problem, that is the first step, talk about the positive things in your life, share your goals. Don't let the past haunt you and keep you from, enjoying the present.  

  2. Those issues obviously bother you, so you do need to get it out of your system.  You might start writing about what you could do to change the car situation or look at how you can make it not matter.  Look on the bright side--you don't have to pay for gas or insurance;  you don't have to worry about it getting stolen, vandalized, or breaking down.  It is hard to not complain when things aren't going your way, but try to always look for something positive in the situation.  I know it's hard, but think about what you do have and how fortunate you are compared to others.  

  3. Just stop it.  Count to 3, or 10 if necessary, before you speak and take that time to decide if anyone wants to hear what you're going to talk about.  I don't think complainers even know what they're saying just happens.  It's good that you're aware of what you do.

  4. Put yourself in your audience's position.  Do you like to hear people complain incessantly?  I don't.

    I'm in outside sales, and one thing I've realized over the years is that complainers come across as whiners, and I cannot be perceived as a whiner if I want to build relationships with customers in order to be successful.

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