
How not to be shy in the gym shower and how to explain...this to her?

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To start off I'm 15 years old. My p***s is around 4.5" long and I have one t******e. I'm not kidding. I really have one t******e. It never "came down" so a few years ago I had to go to Ottawa to get it removed. I am fat. Pretty fat actually. 6' 1/2" and over 250 lbs and my jeans are 40's.

Now here's the question. If I ever do end up getting into a relationship with a girl and she wants to have s*x with me, what can I do to explain that I have a small p***s, one t******e, I have a big stomach, man b***s, fat thighs and a big fat hairy butt without turning her off?

I do sometimes go to the gym and I started taking the habit of always showering after the workout. I always feel shy in front of the other guys because I'm scares that they will start laughing at me because of my small p***s, one t******e and that I'm fat. I try to wait until nobody is in there but sometimes threes some random dude that walks in. What can I do to not feel as shy?





  1. Whenever a guy acts shy being naked around other guys, he calls more attention to his problem. And try to lose weight, while you are still young and it's easier for you, not just for future relationships but also for your health. I would want to be with a healthy guy.  

  2. Learn to love your p***s! I love mine!

  3. that is quite sad, but think about this.  lance armstrong only has one t******e too and he's successful.  good luck.

  4. Firs of all, if you're dating a girl and she indicates to you that she'd like to have s*x, she already knows you're fat!

    Girls aren't so into visualization as we guys are.

    Also all fat guys penises appear small because of our guts, but anyway, except for a very few, most girls are not really "into" big willys. g*y men OTOH are really big into big 'uns.

    Just be a kind caring man. (in 3 years)  Make sure you have a clean, good smelling body, freshly brushed teeth, and do all you can to make the women feel loved, needed, and learn to properly eat puzzy and you'll have a good time of it!

  5. Your p***s is not the problem. Take the other advice to your question. Stop worrying about the size of your p***s.  You probably will get bigger and if you are lucky you will not get as big as you think you want to get.  Most women have average vaginas and if you get more than an inch and a half bigger you may have to be careful not to hurt them during intercourse.  You should understand that the "size" issue concerns both males and female:  it's just that your's hangs out and the v****a is hidden from the eyes.  As noted in other answers there are no exercises, pumps, or pills or herbs that are going to change the size of your p***s or your mate's v****a. Next, every one develops at different rates. You body size and p***s size may not maximize until you are at least age 19.

    Here are the major studies (where someone other than the subject does and reports the measurements:  self reporting adds about an inch to the results) which are taken on males of age 19 or above:

    Journal of Urology (1996?) L12.9 cm (5.08"), International Journal of Impotency (1998?) 13.6 cm (5.35"), and LifeStyles Condoms (2002?) 14.9 cm (5.9"): range nearly an inch (conclusion: most are between 5-6.5": less is small; more is big (not huge), p. 50 Flaccid 3.5" and Erect 6" (like me): another Soft 3" and 5" hard, 2" soft and 4.5" (225%), p. 51 this dude is 5.5", p. 51 The results from three studies of p***s size where the measurements were taken in a laboratory setting give the following ranges:

    * Average p***s length (flaccid/not erect): from 3.4 inches to 3.7 inches (8.6 cm to 9.3 cm)

    * Average p***s length (erect): from 5.1 inches to 5.7 inches (12.9 cm to 14.5 cm)

    * Average p***s girth (circumference when erect): from 3.5 inches to 3.9 inches (8.8 cm to 10 cm).

    Next, you do not really want to have a large p***s unless you will be walking around in a men's shower room all the time and comparing yourself to other males. Only then might it be of some advantage to have a large p***s: but even then, who, male or female, wants to give head to a p***s that makes you want to chock and gag.  Does not sound like fun to me.  

    No discussion of p***s size is complete without a discussion of v****a size: A key to good s*x is match because v****a sizes vary just as p***s sizes vary.

    You want to be a fit or match for a good number of women (not every women in the world): most women's v****a start out at 3" to 5" unarroused and expand under arousal in a inverse manner like flaccid penises (growers vs. showers) 200% for smaller ones and as little as 25% for larger ones so that 70% can handle a average L6" and 4.7" girth p***s with pleasure.

    Length of the average unaroused v****a according to several textbooks I've read, the length of the v****a should be 3-4 inches long (7-10cm) (ref: Tim Chard, Basic Sciences for Obstetrics and Gynecology)Golfcrazie 03:32, 23 August 2007 (UTC)

    Other studies and articles I've read the unaroused and unpenetrated v****a is from 2-4 inches long (3" on average). Measurements are slightly different depending on whether you're measuring across the anterior or posterior wall, and position women is in (e.g. sitting, standing, etc...). (Comment: if 3" and increases 100% that gives only 6" max (but showers/growers may apply here and that being smaller vaginas may be able to increase a bit more percentage wise than large ones; clearly a 6-7" capacity would easily accommodate the average p***s).

    The v****a has a cannon or barrel opening of about 2" in and here are some nerves; deeper in is the back space with no nerves but where the cervix resides. Only the first two inches envelope your p***s. A bigger p***s will need a larger v****a to avoid soreness and pain from hitting the cervix or he will have to avoid hard pounding some ladies like and going deep. And my lady does not like manufactured lubrication: it irritates her insides. You want a match that is can be felt but not too tight and not too loose. The tightness of virgins and most new encounters is results more from the nervousness of the female than her size or your size if both are average in equipment.

    Now there are some ladies (about 18% more or less) who have a larger v****a and need a larger p***s for a good fit. But that has nothing to do with you unless you unfortunately fall in love with one of these women and she with you. And then s*x is only one aspect of life of many factors.  But no woman wants to be pounded raw and they hate it when a p***s hits their cervix.

    Finally, to have mutually satisfying sexual experiences, in addition to finding a good match for your p***s, you will need love, confidence in yourself, technique and duration. Even if you don't feel like you’re the best stud in the world, when you are with a woman act like you're the best for her at that time. Learn what your woman likes and note that 60% of women especially the young ones do not climax from vaginal intercourse but from gentle manipulation of her c

  6. u feel intimidated thats all... learn to love and live for yourself and odnt care what other people think about you, we all live in this world each as unique individuals; and if those guys make fun of you then that means they are insecure...

    as for P size, if you loser weight youll lose fat in the pubic area (trust me i know this) i was 5'10 and wieghed 230... now im 6'0 weighing 190.... you loose fat in the pubic area making your P's base longer....

    hope it helps!email me if you have any other questions!

  7. don't worry about that right now, you still have chance to grow, in every way. so, yes, go and excercise every day, start eating healthy and you will feel better with your self, i know how you feel, and i did this and now i love myself

    i did it, i know you can

  8. First of all, let me give you a piece of advice:


    You need to be happy with yourself, and if you're not, make yourself happy with yourself. It's not about making yourself into something, it's about you, and only you. So if you want to lose weight, then do it, it's not tough, but you are what you are my man, and besides, ur d**k isn't even's not quite average but it will get bigger..your 15.

  9. If you are getting laughed at or picked on in some sense. The person doing it really doesn't have anything better to do. They're just trying to make themselves feel better about themselves. When it comes to women in explaining these problems you have just say what's true and someone that truly loves you won't care one bit.

  10. if you want to become confident in yourself you should strongly consider losing the weight...just try....

  11. You need to stop worrying about the one t******e deal.  Who's gonna know you only have one unless they get right down to eye level with it & they have no business being there.  You still have about 5 years of growth potential left.  Get rid of some of that blubber.  Quit eating junk food & snackiing all the time.  Walk briskly for 30 minutes each day, every day.  Walking from the sofa to the refrigerator & back again does not count as exercise.  Eat plenty of fresh fruit & vegetables & drink plenty of water.  Leave off the bread, pie's, cakes, pasta, potatoes, rice,   If you can set yourself a serious goal & unload 50 pounds, you will feel better about yourself, mentally & physically.  You don't need to blurt out to a girl you only have one t******e.  If relationship advances far enough, she will find out & it is not the end of the world if she does.  Working out at the gym will not help you if you don't go the whole nine yards & cut back on your unhealthy eating.  Don't worry about being shy in the showers around other guys.  More than likely, they had the same hang up at one time or another.  You seem to be worrying about the wrong things!  Work on changing things you have control over & stop worrying about the things you don't.  Good luck.

  12. Im also a one t******e guy. Was born that way, never had one on the left side. I know because they looked for it during surgery when I was 5. It never was an issue at all for the girls I dated and had s*x with. I never thought about getting an implant because that would just make me look like other people expect me to. I'm fine with it, and if someone had a problem with it, then they have the problem.

    If your that big weight wise, your p***s is bigger than 4.5". The fat you carry can conceal part of it, so you look smaller than you really are. I would expect you are actually closer to 6 inches in size.

    I think the only problem you have is a lack of self-confidence. Work on that and lose weight and deal with the things you can fix; the man b***s and so forth. What is attractive is confidence and a good attitude. No one will laugh at a freind they care about who has one ball. I have found the people I care about are very supportive and protective toward me. I am loving and caring of others and that is reflected in how I am treated . The same thing applies to girlfreinds and relationships. If you are a real gem and a one in a million kind of guy to some lucky girl, the t******e and the other stuff doesnt matter.

    Your so young... you will not understand this now, but if you practice this you are going to find that it is true. You don't need to explain this to anyone and you dont need to feel like you have to. Just become the best person that you can in this life, and the s*x will take care of itself. I promise.

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