
How not to get my car stolen?

by  |  earlier

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i recently this morning had my car broken into but they ran away when i they saw me come outside. . .i was thinking about getting my door handle remove and getting keyless entry. . .will this be a good idea???and i also i want to have a really good sercurity system. . .and i really want to replace all my windows with hard to break windows. . .i have a really nice car and a really expensive audio system. . .i was lucky that i came out before he could get away with my car this morning. . .is hey any way i can do these things or do anyone had any super sercurity system that i should look into??????besides a dog in the car or a gun




  1. Sell the car.  Use some of the money to buy an inexpensive but reliable car.  Save the first to use as a down-payment on a new home with an enclosed garage.

  2. Your never safe, no matter what you do.  As alarms systems get more hi-tech, so do the thieves.  I used to manage the Auto Theft team for a large insurance company, you'd be surprised how quickly these people can bypass an alarm system.  You might try Lo-Jack, it's not going to stop them from taking it, yet you'll find it quickly.

  3. do not leave any thing out in plain sight no cds. dvds , gps, paper work , NOTHING cuts down on break ins by 80%

  4. hey man i used to bullet proof vehicles and i learned a lot of tricks and i installed on all for doors dead bolt systems thier not made i designed it to fit my doors any ways i do them at my shop but the way this system works is when you activate your alarm all doors will have deadbolts aquired into the doors and pillars and that solves your problem.

  5. Put bars over any windows in the garage, then padlock the door with your car inside.  Put up security lights that come on when anyone approaches, and a security camera.

  6. Get an alarm, for starters.

    You have to get coated\laminated windows.....

    Move to a better neighborhood or get a garage.

    Or, get a ku klux klansmen with a shotgun to watch the car at night....

  7. back where I'm from we just shoot them.. but some people dont think its right way of stopping one from stealing.. but hey i know it wont happen any more from that one right... buy a alarm system.. add a kill switch... cant start it hard to steal should have chase them down and beat their azz.. they was scare of you they ran.. get a rifle with a scope cant out run that

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