
How not to live totally green?

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lat's face it! I'm not that enViromentaL Type my Friend as well

i don't belive in recycle stuff would help in any aspecT! in addition..ENVIRONMENTALL RESOURCES ARE UNLIMITED! .. if it was scares as those Enviro-freaks sayING.. it would properly finished ages aGO..

so anyhow.. how to NOT LIVE GREEn?

i mean furthermore =]





  1. just keep doing what you're doing! living green takes a lot of effort, that's why no one does it, odds are you're already not doing it

  2. When you get the notice that the next landfill will be built down the street or they are closing a recreation area to build a landfill or when they raise your garbage rates 100% because they have to ship your waste to another state, perhaps then you'll see the benifit of recycling.

    The fact that oil is finite is undepatable. There are many scenarios that can play out before it actually becomes scare. I don't know if you are old enough to remember the oil embargo in the 70's. Basically the people with the oil wouldn't sell it to us. Back then we didn't rely so heavily on foreign oil, we were only importing about 20% or our demand we are now importing more than 60%. When we were cut off, it created huge shortages, gas prices spiked, there were huge lines and people rioted, there were even murders over people cutting in line. So, I think it is in our own best interest to find ways to make ourselves less vulnerable.

    I make decisions that are better for the earth, but underneath I'm selfish, I do it to save money, live healthier and avoid danger.

  3. its people like you that are going to use up all of our fossil fuels and we will all be forced to buy battery powered cars that will cost us $2,000 for a new battery.

    long live earth??


  4. the only way to live "green" is to go to the hardware store, get some green paint and cover yourself in it. c'mon people, green is a color, not a way of life. i don't know which is worse, the whack-job that started this or the whack-jobs that go along with it. sorry, i'm white and i'll always be white.

  5. I do not agree with everything you have stated. But you have hit a nail directly on the head. The environmental movement is no longer concerned with protecting the environment. The "green" movement is about making money on one hand, and demonizing those who don't live "green" on the other. "Green" living is no more environmentally friendly than not living green. Green products are a marketing man's dream. On one hand, by buying green, you fill an empty void your life by actually doing something important (generally speaking the only important activity these empty people have ever done), on the other hand if you don't buy green you are labeled as a person that wants to destroy the Earth. Gag me with a solar panel.

    Keep in mind, we will never be able to use all of the oil that is in the Earth because the Earth is producing oil almost as fast as we pull it out of the ground. Oil is not a poison. In fact oil has done more to improve the lives of humanity than the combined efforts of all environmentalists.


    Also keep in mind that it is impossible for man to destroy the Earth. We can destroy humanity, but not the Earth.

  6. Ignore what the other guy said about China. I can tell you from personal experience that Chinese recycle a lot more than Americans. In fact its a growing comercial industry. I used to sell all of my metal paper and plastic to a man who came round my neighborhood on a bike with a trailer, and the people who collected my trash sorted out all of the organic waste to compost it, as well as the glass and electronics to sell on for recycling. Everybody in my neighborhood did this. Selling your recyclables was a good way to recoup money.

    If you don't want to live a green lifestyle I recommend that you move to the OC or the Valley. Drive a hummer, by new clothes every few weeks and dump the old ones in landfill, eat out a lot, fill AND heat your pool all year round, and generally over consume as much as possible.

  7. The best way to f*ck the world: live in china, they are the definition of anti green. i can smell the coal burning already.

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