
How objective do you think you are?

by  |  earlier

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Do you think you award best answers regardless of whether they support your ideology or belief system? Are you capable of picking a person with a persona you don't really care for?




  1. If I were to ask a question here, it would be because I wanted information or opinions, not because I wanted people to validate what I already believe. With that in mind, I would choose whatever answer was the most helpful to me, whether it was in line with what I already think or not.

  2. I sure do try....

  3. i will pick BA that disagrees with me as long as they're not rude. i won't pick a BA that disagrees with me that i just think is plain wrong, since to me that is not the "best" answer. and since it is my question, i can decide what i think is wrong.

    (insert evil giggle here)

    i try to pick the person that really answered the question, put some thought into it or at least used humor.

  4. I'm not objective, I really don't know how I could be.  I don't always pick people who agree with me or my beliefs, but I am far more likely to.  I have picked answers from people with a persona I don't care for, but its extremely rare.

    I tend to think  - objectively, that my views are rational, logical, applicable, and dammit - right!  If I didn't think that, I would have no courage to my convictions.  Yet of course, that perception is entirely subjective, even if I feel it to be rational and practical.

    I am capable of measuring ideas against objective standards , yet I cannot separate myself from my interpretations.  I am open to new ideas, but its a real swine of a thing to change my mind and alter my opinions.  I really do take some convincing.

    I would say I am objective compared to most people because I usually understand the validity of their arguments, understand their point of view, and where I disagree with them I have a context for doing so.

    So I am subjective, but more objective than most.

  5. I used to give out BAs only to people who agreed with me. I don't do that anymore. Occasionally I've given them to people I can't stand. I still see everything through filters like everyone else.

  6. i will pick a person with opposing views if their answer isnt something i've heard regurgitated a billion times before.

    but answers like that are I usually pick answers that I agree with even if the answer has been regurgitated a billion times before

  7. Other than a couple topics where I know I am very biased and have a hard time fighting it, most of the time I am very objective.

    The few question I ask I give out BA to the person with the best argument. If I agree with it or not.

  8. I always choose the answer I think is the best one. I do not care who answer it. But the content.

  9. I can be as objective as I want to be. There have been times I have picked best answers that actually insulted me! However, they were so intelligent that I had to pick them.

    Other times, I just pick the answer that supports my agenda. It really depends on how I'm feeling at the time.

  10. i am and i do.

    objectivity comes with experience.  i am more objective now than i was ten years ago, but that doesn't mean i don't have a long way to go.

  11. If someone does not agree with me, I'll read their answer and sometimes it opens my mind.  I see their point and I'll award it.  I just pick the best answer, straight up.

  12. Both are difficult.  I have done both but only once in either case.  But then not all questions have an obvious ideological slant

    Often give ratings though to good questions though I feel as though I don't like the writer very much

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