
How offensive do you really think Q&A would get if you couldnt report people?

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How offensive do you really think Q&A would get if you couldnt report people?




  1. aw.reporting is more offensive than anything that could be said

  2. I'm a big boy and can handle the type of people that choose to write insults rather than facts...

    It's called being a M%T&^R F*&K!ING adult

  3. to the point of hunting someone down and hurting them probably...but I still dont agree with the bias Yahoo shows and the process that allows anyone to have a question removed

  4. To me censorship is offensive as any four letter word.   So it would be less offensive.

  5. Not much more.It would just level the playing field.Now it is very PC,and that isn't all Yahoo Answers team's fault as the report button is in all our hands,and abused by the ones that usually get away with the vilest offenses.Test that theory out in the C&G section.I did long ago..The language censor could be kept in place.That's automatic.So the people that are infantile would quickly run out of steam and leave if they knew real answers were allowed.

  6. Pretty *&^%#%& offensive, Ill tell you that!!!

  7. It would get pretty bad... for awhile.  Then no one would bother anymore.  People that get offended would leave.  Then the offensive people would go because they won't get  the reaction they hope for out of anyone that is left.  Eventually, I think things would even out to a point similar to what we see now.

  8. I think the greatest offense is to the intelligence of many that come here from time to time.

  9. Trex took the #$%#@&% words out of my mouth!

  10. I'm an adult and can take criticism.

    Maybe there should be a separate YA board for adults and one for children (or those who like to report).

  11. I think it is good to report inappropriate content, but some people report people just because they don't see eye to eye.  I got called a moron yesterday because I asked a simple question, when I clarified my question to the person who called me a moron---he/she turned me in!!!  People who give criticism need to learn how to take criticism.

  12. more offensive than Howard Stern drunk!

  13. Whats even more offensive is being at the mercy of every hypersensitive clod with a mouse pad.

    If you can't converse like a grown up, why even bother?

    Guess what, sometimes people are offensive to you. That's life.

    Don't like it; stop reading it. Simple, right?

    Hey Mike down there- Really? The FBI? Over silly s*** like this? Maybe they had better things to worry about than the spewings of arrested adolescents on a meaningless forum like this. Think so?

  14. The reports and violation notices appear to be rather random.

    This is due in part because Yohoo cannot afford to have a large number of people review the reports, so many reports appear to be accepted and violation notices sent without much oversight.

    I know, I have received a few violation notices for trivial sorts of things.

    For example an asker put a ridiculous question up that talked about pourring beer on a goose.

    My response was the question "Why would you want to pour beer on a goose?'

    I received a violation notice and my answer was deleted.

    Someone had reported my response for not being an answer to the question.

    This demonstrates how trivial some of the reporting gets.

    However some reporting is very serious.

    For example occasionally I see a questions or an answers that essentially say that one or more of the Presidential candidates should be assassinated.

    Thise kinds of things I consider to be very serious becasue there are some foolish unstable people in the world who will act on those suggestions, especially when they see a number of those suggestions. They use those statements as support for their actions.

    I always report questions or answers that encourage the assassination or the murder of any person.

    In fact when I first started posting on here there was not a good reporting system and you could not get those threats of assassination or murder removed.

    I finally had to go to the local FBI office with some prinouts of the assassination threats that were on this site.

    Also one of my tenants works for Yahoo. I told him about the problem that I saw with all of the assassination threats on this site and my report to the local office fo the FBI.

    My tenant passed along my report to management and I have noticed that Yahoo is now very diligent about removing the assassination threats immediately.

    I have noticed that when I see an assassination threat and report it that post is removed almost immediately

    For that I congratulate Yahoo.

    Assassination threats and threats of violence and murder are not political discourse and they can cause mentally unstable people to engage in acts of violence or murder when they would not otherwise have engaged in that behavior.

    For that I congratulate Yahoo for taking action against the threats of assassination and violence.

    I understand with the number of posts on this site that it is very challenging to always be accurate in determining what is appropriate content and what is not.

    I would say that overall Yahoo does a good job even though they do make some mistakes.

    Essentially without the reporting function you would have many more threats of assassination and violence, because that is what you had before Yahoo instituted the present reporting system.

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