
How often a newborn poos?

by Guest63274  |  earlier

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hi,i have a 2day old baby boy and he hasn't had a poo since 3.30 this morning is this normal,the health visitor is coming tomorrow so i will ask her but i was just wondering




  1. it depends on if you are bottle or breast feeding

    im bottle feeding and my baby pooed on her 1st day then never pooed for 3 days aparently bottle fed babies get really constipated breast fed babies usually poo 3-4 times a day but every baby is different

  2. His he nursing or formula feeding. sometimes that makes a difference. mine breast feeds and she pooped 4-8 times a day at most, my friend formula feeds and her baby pooped 2-5 times a day at most

  3. My health visitor told me to expect quite explosive ones from my breast fed baby but that there could be several a day or none for a couple of days and I wasn't to worry as long as there were lots of wet nappies. And luckily they don't smell too bad but you end up changing clothes a lot.

    Once I changed to formula I get one smelly one a day at the same time but not too messy.

  4. If they are breast feeding they can go a week, on formula should be everyday.

  5. They can poo a lot, like 8 times a day or not so much. If he is breastfed - it is normal no to poo as the milk is perfect - it all gets digested and used = no poo. If he is formula fed, you need to be more wary as not pooing for a few days could indicate constipation or a blockage.

  6. In the first few weeks poops were very intermittent for my boy.  Sometimes only every other day.  Peeing, however, happened all the time.  Even as a 2 month old it is rare for him to p**p more than once a day.  This may sound like a blessing, except, that one p**p is usually explosive.  To avoid explosive p**p syndrome, we are teaching him to p**p in the toilet (started at 8 weeks).  Since that time he has only had 2 poopy diapers, because he saves his poops for the toilet.  Its amazing.  Babies are more aware of their bodies than western culture gives them credit for.  

  7. thats perfectly fine..

    minimun of once a day for a couple days...4 days (i just checked my papers)

    the baby is still on its "im in the womb" schedule... so as his body gets used to pooping and peeing out in his new world he will p**p more often. after those 4 days they will ramp up to about 3 poops a day.

    just pay attention to his out-put vs. in-put... if you are feeding him alot and he hasnt pooped for like 2 days.. then there is a problem.

    his tummy should be extremely tight and HUGE if he hasnt pooped the right amount.

    good luck.  

  8. my sisters baby is 1 week old and he poops. every hour of the day. so thats like 9 poopy diapers.

  9. Every baby is different. As long as he is having wet diapers often he is okay! CONGRATULATIONS!

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