
How often and HOW LONG do I need to water Bermuda Grass?

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We have a front and back lawn of ALL bermuda grass. We live in TN. so it is four seasons but it is VERY hot right now (93 degrees with high humidity). We just set up an irrigation system with timers. I have been told you can over water bermuda (we hardly ever watered ours this summer and it is greener than most people who water it daily...but we fertilized it alot at the beginning of the summer). How often (daily, every other day?) and how long (30 minutes, one hour, two hours?) do we need to water it? I am new to all this. Thanks!




  1. Water 20 minutes per station twice a week in the early morning.

  2. Bermuda has incredibly deep roots, and responds best to infrequent deep soaking.  In many areas it only needs watering during a dry spell. If it's looking good, don't waste the water ...  

    Even here in Phoenix (108, no rain) it only needs watering once a week, with about a half an inch of water being applied each watering. See the link below for how to calculate how much water your sprinklers are delivering, and then give it

    Signs of Underwatering :

        * Bermudagrass has bluish-grey tint.

        * Grass doesn't spring back after being stepped on.

        * It is difficult to push a screwdriver into the soil.

        * Turf still feels warm in the evening after the sun goes down.

    Signs of Overwatering :

        * Water is consistantly puddled in areas.

        * Turf has a musty odor.

        * Soil is extremely soft and mushy.

        * Algae or mushrooms are present.


    ADDING: Bugear's answer is poor because it doesn't take into account the drought tolerant nature of Bermuda Grass, or local rainfall. Even in Phoenix that would be over-watering.

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