For the past 1 month I started supplementing with formula since my BM was not sufficient for my baby. I nurse my baby only once a day and sometimes twice. Thing is my baby doesnt seem to want to nurse when he is not very hungry. Also I dont seem to have much milk in me due to which he gets frustrated and stops nursing. So, I have decided to re-lactate. Read up KellyMom website and saw a lot of information on how to relactate a few weeks postpartum. But did not find anything for 6 months postpartum. Here is what I plan to do ... pls tell me if that can work .. or if I need to do anything else.
1. Nurse baby in the morning ( as part of his breakfast ). He drinks between 5-10 mins only. So I pump after that.
2. At 12 noon I pump at work
3. At 6pm I attempt to nurse my baby. Sometimes he nurses .. sometimes he doesnt. He nurses between 5- 10 mins when he chooses to BF. After that I pump again
4. Pump before going to bed around 11pm.
When I pump after he nurses, I get about 1-2oz only. When I pump when he has not nursed I pump 3-4 oz each time.
I have also started consuming fenugreek. Per Kellymom website, I drink fenugreek tea made out of 1 tsp of fenugreek seeds 3 times a day. Hoping to smell like Maple syrup (apparently thats a sign that I'm getting enuff fenugreek to boost my milk supply ).
Wondering if I shd pump every 2 hrs. But not sure if that wud be feasible especially at work .. coz I attend a lot of meetings.
Has anyone re-lactated 6 months or post 6 months and been successfull ? Pls share your experience with me and let me know what worked for you. Thanks in advance for your answers.