
How often are Red Sox games rained out? Are games more likely to be postponed a bit or moved to another day?

by Guest57535  |  earlier

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I'm coming up from Orlando for a game next week and am surprising my boyfriend with Red Sox tickets. I was just wondering what usually happens to games at Fenway when it's raining. Do they usually hold off for a few hours or do they usually wait and play the next day? Any info would be greatly appreciated!




  1. They postpone it for as long as they can depending on the weather report. If the forecast says it may clear, they might hold the game off for possible up to 2.5 - 3 hours. If the forecast shows downpours all night, they will call the game off and reschedule, normally as a double header if possible.

    If it's a weekend series the double header might be played then, or they may push it back to later in the season depending on the schedule. Unfortunately, the weather doesn't look too promising for next week:

  2. 3 out of 10 games

  3. They try to get the game started that day if it is at all possible, but if not then they simply play the game the next day, or in the case that is the last day of the series re-schedule it for another time the play each other.

    I would say that about 1/20th of the games have a rain DELAY where they have to wait to start the game, but about 1/70th of th games are actually postponed.

  4. They are more likely to be postponed

    It is normally moved for a couple hours

    It usually doesnt get

    moved to another day

    Unless it rains ALL day or

    ALL night then it gets moved

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