
How often are you supposed to exfoliate?

by Guest64657  |  earlier

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How often are you supposed to exfoliate?




  1. Most people do it 2-3 times a week! It all depends on how sensitive your skin is!

  2. 1-3 times a week.

    The way that I'm going at it now is I will say.. exfoliate on monday, then skip tuesday and wednesday, exfoliate thursday, skip friday and saturday, exfoliate sunday.. and just keep going that way. I skip every 2 days. I only do this because I have acne sometimes, and exfoliating too much when you have zits can cause them to flare up more.

    If you prefer exfoliating a lot, then use a major exfoliator once or twice a week, then apply an aspirin+honey mask a few times a week on days you don't exfoliate. Crushed up aspirin helps for redness, acne, blackheads, dead skin, and honey helps with softness and also with blackheads.

  3. It really depends on your skin type. I have combination skin that easily gets flaky and oily at the same time if I don't exfoliate so I'm actually using a daily mini peel scrub. If you have normal skin, you may want to exfoliate twice a week with a product like St. Ives apricot scrub. If your skin is too sensitive or starts to dry out, only exfoliate once a week using a gentler scrub like the St. Ives gentle apricot scrub.  

  4. probably like once or twice a week.

  5. Once or twice a week, depending on how sensitive your skin is.

  6. twice a week

  7. I assume that you're talking about your face. That totally depends upon your skin type.  It's a good idea to start with once a week and see how your skin fares.  If you think that you could use a mid-week refresher you'll know.  If your skin is very sensitive, once a week should be plenty. I have oily skin and I use a Clinique exfoliant every other day and it keeps me glowing. Start slow and see what your skin responds best to...good luck!

  8. I would say 2 or 3 times a week. But just don't over exfoliate, that will dull your complexion.  

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