
How often can i feed my rabbits raw carrot?

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They are both around 8-9 weeks old.




  1. Okay, maybe every week or so. They can get sick if carrots are fed all the time. Feed him different veggies during the week. Don't EVER feed him ice burg lettuce! He WILL die.

  2. Once a day is good.

  3. I have a rabbit and i give them anytime 2 carrotts at a time maby evey 2 days, they love them.

  4. well i have two rabbits at the moment & i give them a mixture of lettuce cabbage apple carrot and sometimes bread (hard bread) and i only give it them once a week and they seem to enjoy it but you shouldn't give your rabbits to much greens or they will get diarrhoea

    i hope my answer has helped you !!

  5. give them fresh veg every other day, if you give them to much they can become ill

    other veg you can give them is cabbage, lettuce , swede etc

  6. My a rabbit lover and a breeder for almost 15 years. You can feed them raw carrots as often as you like. What i do is that i get 2 rabbit bows for each rabbit. if they are in the same you i would get those type of bowls

    I give my rabbit special treats when they perform a specific task (i call them when they are out of the cage and they come, really hard to teach them but it worth the try) but you can give them the treat once a week. Treats aren't as much healthy as the original rabbit food. Me i give them fresh lectuce and carrots most of the time. they also love cracker without too much sugar. Make sure their bowls are always full and never empty(rabbits never overfeed themselves)  I will be more than happy to help you if you ever need hep, so don't hesitate to email me at:   that way i can also send you pics of my rabbits.

  7. After 14 weeks of age you should be introducing different veg slowly and continue to vary the diet throughout the rabbits life. Carrots are only a snall part of a rabbits diet.

    There is a list of vegetables etc that you can feed your rabbit on my website

  8. I had a very healthy rabbit which lived a very long life for a rabbit (12 years I think). We regularly fed him a raw carrot for dinner, as well as always providing him with a bowl of dry pellets and CLEAN drinking water (changed daily). We also fed him apples, cabbage, lettuce and broccoli. As for treats, these are best kept for special occasions. I usually gave my rabbit special chocolate buttons, specially made for rabbits, at easter and xmas time.

    ALSO, one very important factor in his healthy life is the fact we let him run free in the back garden during the daytime. This may sound like a stupid idea, but it's honestly the best thing you can do for your rabbit. Just make sure all possible escape routes are shielded off. At the end of the day I just went outside, picked him up, and put him back in his hutch, he loved it.

  9. I suggest once every 3 days,

    the reason for this is because too many greens and vegetables and grass etc. gives them dihorrea (in extreme cases this is fatal).

    As for the treats, i'd recommend them once a week or

    you can use them as rewards for good behavior,

    don't use them too much though as they contain a lot

    of sugar; which is bad for the rabbit

  10. Every other day and maybe 1/5 of a carrot at a time, carrots have sugar and rabbits tummys are sensitive so too much fresh veg will give them the runs. Don't feed lettuce it has absolutely no nutritional value to rabbits and they can't digest it properly. Did you get a food sheet off your breeder or vet? They know best for each breed. My rabbit loves fruit but only in very tiny amounts, kiwi, nectarines and strawberries are his fave. I tend to give him the off cuts of any veg I am cooking so he gets a good variety, like humans the more colours the better. Remmeber grass and dandelions are very very good for bunnies. Invest in an up to date rabbit book, they all have lists of the good and bad foods with loads more information about all things rabbits. 'Rabbits for Dummies' is absolutely brilliant, it has absolutely everything you could think of. It'll be on amazon for cheap x x x

  11. first off, you say they aren't fully grown- bunnys cant have vegetable until after 15 weeks!  now, dont give them carrot every day, every three days i'd say.  daily veg can include-




    peas/pea pods

    runner bean pods

    clover (from the garden!)

    dandelions + leaves


    you should try to give them 3 things a day.

    as for treats , dont waste your money on the 'rabbit chocolate' or things alike, give them big chunks on fruit instead, only once a day tho, such as-






    its important to bare in mind that your bunny might not agree with some of these things, where as others might love them!  try out each thing seperatly to see if it has an adverse affect to the bunny's digestive system....  good luck!

  12. A couple "slithers" of carrot per rabbit each day is enough,as carrot is high in sugar,that too much of it can even in adult bunnies result in,either diarrhea or " sticky bottom"(over production of the f***s they eat) So either way,not very nice for you or most importantly the rabbit! I don't suggest on giving rabbit " special treats" as these are VERY high,in additives & sugar,which i personally find to give a rabbit is wrong. You can however buy "special rabbit herb treats" often these don't have any sugar in them or bad chemicals.

    If you are desperate to buy some choose a healthier option for your bunnies.

    Hope this helped.

    P.S To Rebbecca, Rabbits can't eat,lettuce(as certain types are poisonous) & cabbage is not idea to feed them,also unless the bread is wholemeal its not a good idea. This is a good website to go on . you can try the quiz on it & look at the greens you shouldn't feed them:

    Do you mean your 14 years old,or thats how long you've been breeding rabbits? Because i am 14 years old.

  13. hello there

    as you said that your rabbit is still young,i suggest you take giving treats not overdo it.rabbits who are not mature yet and is just starting on vegetables must be given treats lightly.start small.give a small amount of mushed raw carrots every day.

    give treats only only once a day.or else it will cause may given soft greens.dark green vegetables are advised as it is nutritious.

    do not give iceberg lettuce,apple cores and potatoes.those treats give a rabbit a bad case of diarhhea.

    have a nice day!

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