
How often can i use whitespot treatment?

by  |  earlier

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2 of my fish have it,,i treated tank last week and again on monday,but my ruby shark has got it back,and now cevrums got it too,,how often can i used the treatment?




  1. The most effective treatment i have used is interpets anti whitespot

    Treat as per instructions and then leave for 7 days before trying treatment again.

    For a treatment to work the water quality at the beginning of the treatment should be good

    The temperature should be correct

    There should be a good oxygen supply.You can always add an airstone connect to the pump at the back of the tank. Fish need extra oxygen to help with the stress levels that they may be under due to the illness

    Carbon should be remove from the filter until the end of the first treatment(+ the 7 days) before you re-treat so as not to overdose. When readding the carbon leave it for 48 hours to clear the tank of the treatment.

    No more fish should be added to the aquarium until all the fish look well

    All the fish should be treated not just the one infected.

    Aquarium salt tonic should be added to the tank to relieve stress

    Lighting should not be too bright

  2. what kind of treatment have you been using?  it doesn't sound very good to me- ick medication should be used once every 2 days (or whatever it says on the packet) until the problem has gone, then once again after all syptoms are gone.  it can take some time

    *what did your instructions say to do?*

    you are still treating the same outbreak of disease- last week's whitespot hadn't gone away completely- that's why your fish are showing sympotoms again.  not necessarily your fault at all- i'd really like to know what medicine you are using!!!

    a note- always remove the carbon element from your filter before treating for ick.  either the carbon kills the medicine, or the med kills the carbon.  i can't remember which, but neither one is good!!!

  3. did u ask the vet thay will give u a good teat ment i hope

  4. use aquarium salt, ick cannot survive the salt, i use it in my tanks, at a very low dose and i have never had ick since i used it, also if you up the temp-slowly-this speeds up the life cycle of the whitespot and it cures much faster as they pop out into the water column where the medication is much faster. i use 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt for each 20gallons of water. and yes both my tanks are freshwater tanks. hope your fish pull through, though you may need to check whats causing the ick, water parameters, bullying, its all stress and will allow the fish to become more prone to illness. check for nitrAtes, should always be below 20-40ppm, nitrItes and ammonia-should be at 0 at all times in a cycled tank. good luck.

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