
How often can you use up certain amended charges/plea bargains, for traffic violations? ?

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For example, you get charged with points for moving violations and the prosecutor allows you to either amend or plea bargain down to a lesser charge or a 0 point violation.

I got charged with reckless driving, and my option was to reduce it down to I believe something along the lines of an unsafe driving or something similar to that which was a 0 point charge, but he told me that I already USED that twice, and this would be my "third" offense, and that wouldn't work since then it would be 4 points and a hefty fine.

Does that mean for the rest of my life now that I cannot use that charge again and get 0 points?

Or is there a certain time frame?

How does this stuff work?




  1. That would be at the discretion of the prosecutor, There will not be any specific laws.

    The intent of a ticket is to obtain voluntary compliance with traffic laws. The intent of reduced fines/points is to recognize people make mistakes, even good drivers. If you keep winding up in court, the prosecutor starts to realize his consideration is not changing your driving habits.

  2. I live in NJ and you can do it 3 times in 5 yrs.

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