
How often do 30 something year old men m********e? And do you do it at work?

by Guest64013  |  earlier

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F off Nate J .....if I can't ask here where the h**l do you suggest I do ask?!?!




  1. i'd say they do it at least a few times a week.

    some probably do it at work, but most likly in a toilet cubicle

  2. lol sounds as thogh it  is a hot subject to some lol ... well  1-3 times  and not at work

  3. Women have no Freaking business in this forum.

    WHat kind of question is this  WTF

    Get a life girlie.

  4. Iam 31 year old male and I m********e usually at least once a day or every other day I think really a mans s*x drive doesnt slow down till about the mid 40's um the 30s its all good:) and as far as at work I have done that quite a few times but i do it on my lunch break its a good stress releaser and um it helps to get through the day..iam sure many people m********e at work though i mean allot of people wouldnt admit it but Iam sure they do..Iam open minded enough though to admit to it and I think for my openness about this question i should ge best hope I helped you with this Question and I accually enjoyed answering

  5. well every man is different! sometimes we go weeks without doing it and sometimes we go weeks doing every day 1-5 times a day! It really depends on the guy... this question is too broad. I am sure its the same with girls.

    personally I would never do it at work. Its just not smart

  6. 35, married still do it maybe 3 times a week, not at work per se but sometimes in the car near work.

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