
How often do Greeks marry interracially?

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Such as a Greek man marrying a white woman?

I'm not a typica looking white girl. My mother was French-Algerian, so I have a pale golden complexion and dark browm hair. I grew up knowing several Greeks, and they are the nicest people I've ever met. I love the feeling of family that they share.

So, my questions are:

How often do Greek men mary white women?

Are they accepted into the family?

What is it ike being married to a Greek man?

I was just curious because I love the culture, and I hope to learn the language one day.





  1. The guys are fine. It's their MOTHERS you should be really worried about. We have the WORST mother in laws in the world. And I am not joking!

  2. whats a white woman? a white person who doesnt have a culture? you mean a different european?an american?

  3. Greeks are white - so I would say 99% marry 'white' women (which includes their own nationality) not many marry non-whites.

    Greek men tend to marry foreigners more easily than Greek women do. I have always found Greek men to be more open-minded and accepting of mixed marriages rather than Greek women - but this boils down to up bringing.  Boys and girls are still treated differently in the family homes - whether intentionally or not.

  4. What do you mean "a Greek man marrying a white woman"? As far as I know, Greeks are white.

  5. How often do Greek men marry white women?

    Depends, are you talking about Greeks living in Greece, or Greeks living in foreign countries? Generally the % outside of Greece is obviously higher. Greeks from Greece as in any other country, would have a harder time (especially the family) "accepting" that foreigner due to its racially 'homogeneous' environment they live in. However they are many Greeks that intermarry with the local immigrants there.

    Are they accepted into the family?

    Every family is different. However, whatever the case, if you prove to any family no matter the race/nationality that you are the right person for someone, and if they truly love or care for their son's happiness, they should accept you. If not, then thats their problem! lol =X

    What is it like being married to a Greek man?

    I dont know i never married one! lol =P

  6. Greeks marry a white woman pretty often because Greek woman are white in order you dont know it.

    Yes ,they are accepted into the family because,they are Greeks

    ALso to inform you ,Greek families mostly have problem about the religion of the foreign bride/groom and then with the "colour"

    What is being married to a Greek man???eh...

    I believe it depends on the individual or the place he lives

    its tottaly dofferenta man in athens and to countryside.

    I have met people from countryside ,who like to hunting are more relaxed with their job,not macho at all.....

    really it depends.

    I don't think you ll have any problem marrying a Greek man,I dont see anything with your colour which will cause problem into marrying,as I told you,religion is a basic matter.

    Its true that they are very tight to their family,so you ll be lucky if you marry a good one (bad man are everywhere!)

  7. Acceptance within a family depends on the respect for culture that a person brings.  A co-worker has married an Anglo woman who made an effort to become completely literate in Greek.

    While that is somewhat extreme, a healthy participation in any culture you marry into will help bring acceptance...more important than that however is just being a good person...that will override cultural obstacles

  8. that's a good but i have no idea how often do Greeks marry interracially theres has been a lots of intermarriages in Greece with Arabs Gypsies Sicilians Albanians Bulgarians Macedonians Italians Jews and Slavs

  9. In 2004, 8,24% of all marriages in Greece were mixed marriages and the percentage steadily increases every year. I personally know several mixed couples and from what they tell me, they didn't have any problems with their families etc. I  think that nowadays, most people accept the idea of an interracial marriage, so it won't be anything "strange" by Greek standards. But of course that also depends on the family.

    About what it's like, being married to a Greek man, I really don't know... :)

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