
How often do adult cats pee/p**p in a day?

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I'm just wondering how often my cat pees and poops (like how much time goes between bathroom trips).




  1. You cat will pee and p**p according to how much and what type of food that you feed it.

    If your cat gets primarily dry food, it will drink more water and therefore pee more often. For some reason when the source of moisture is from the food, they pee a little less.

    If the food is low quality (lots of grains versus protein) your cat will eat more of it to satisfy its protein needs and therefore it will p**p more. Feed it higher quality food and it will p**p less.

    Generally speaking a cat will p**p one to two times a day and pee one to three times a day. But keep in mind, generalities are just that and each cat is an individual.

  2. it all would depend on food intake. My cats used to go all the time. they had acess all the time to food and water. the food dish was always full. So they would generally go more. You could clean his pan and count how many times he uses. I would clean it in the morning...and then again the evening and see how much you have in the kitty pan. Good luck counting!

  3. Ours usually pee twice (once in the morning, once around 7pm) and p**p once.  On average.

    Usually right after they wake up from a deep sleep or just before or after they eat the large meal of the evening.

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