
How often do humans think?

by Guest44948  |  earlier

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i bet most have heard "you think too much", but in fact dont all humans think every waking moment?




  1. evryone thinks every second. when im watching tv i think when i do anything i think

  2. yes, humans think every moment even when they're asleep. The expression "you think too much." means you're so insecure and dramatic, blowing the situation out of proportion that it worries you to the point that it's not good for your health and life.

  3. Not often enough.

  4. Depends on the age. Small children tend to think a lot. By the teenage years we have stopped entirely. There's a brief resurgence of thought in most people's late 20's and it gradually trickles off from there. This is my understanding.

  5. yes I believe your brain is working 24/7

  6. I've heard that humans have over one billion subconscious thought processes each second.

  7. Yes of course we think every second of every day until we die thats the way we are.  

  8. Yes but they don't realise they forgot to think under there and over a bit and some others places too.

  9. Many human systems are automatic; breathing, circulation, homeostasis etc.  At school we think, at work we think, in the car we think.  However, when the TV is on we stop thinking.  So, when it is most beneficial to us to use our grey matter, the state has in place a system that prevents such usage.  We do only that which they want us to do.  Which is usually make somebody else rich.

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