
How often do u change ur

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  1. once a week unless the weather is really hot then I change it twice a week

  2. At least once a week. Mattress's need to be vacumed every time and the Mattress also needs turning every so often so it doesn't get used to much in certain areas.  

  3. I change my bedding once a week. I like to leave my bed unmade for a couple of hours to 'air' the mattress, then hoover it.

  4. once or twice a week depends

  5. Every week or if it's really hot then twice a week. Also if I'm ill then 2 or 3 times a week to keep the germs out.

  6. Usually between once a week and once every two weeks. During hot weather definitely every week.

  7. i wash my sheets every weekend

  8. Same as Gilly B. twice in the summer once in the winter

  9. When i feel for the simple fact i don't sleep on my bed really but i think like once a week or once every two weeks because alot of people dont sleep on the bottom sheets

  10. Every 6 months... weather it needs changing or not...

  11. usually just once a week, but if it is hot or one of us is sick i will do it more often

  12. every 3rd day

  13. Once a week unless it is soiled before that.

  14. twice weekly in the summer,once in winter

  15. Once a week or more often in hot weather.  Goes on a hot wash.

  16. Weekly in winter, sometime more in summer after those hot sticky nights.

  17. Once a week

  18. at least once a week or every other week  

  19. hiya once a week for me would like to change it more but have 4 other beds to change as well i love the smell of clean bedding

  20. Once every two weeks.

  21. I change the sheets every week and I change the blankets every 2 weeks.

  22. im doing that chore right now, every week on a sunday!  

  23. like once a month, but i have 2 beds in my room, so i switch

  24. Weekly or more often if it needs it.

  25. About every 2 - 3 weeks

  26. when ever i remember

    mines not white and i dont sleep for log

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