
How often do u feel that no one understands you?

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How often do u feel that no one understands you?




  1. Only emo kids "feel" that way.

    i.e.: "ugh, my life is horrible, my mom made me take out the trash so now im going to go cut my wrists."

  2. Every single day.  Man, no one has ever understood me!

  3. Never  

  4. thanks for asking...I think that everyday!

  5. Oh, all the time. Most people question if I really was born on Earth and I do have a human brain.  

  6. lots....i asked the people on here bout a boyfriend problem..and they're just like: find someone who's close, y would you wanna do that...blah blah blah....

    but they dont know the half of it......they wernt there to experience it and stuff...


    ppl are so not understanding


    mine plz?

  7. Everyday,  

  8. I'm sorry, I don't understand your question.

  9. Every time I open my mouth! Too many Foreigners we need to hang a NO VACANCY sign on the statue of liberty!

  10. All the time!

  11. quite often

  12. no one does understand me

  13. daily. everyone just acts as if i dont exist. except my parents. they think im 5. im 14. it really pisses me off. im gunna knock out my dad next time he treats me like that.

  14. most of the time

  15. most people and meaning mens...who dont give me a chance..

  16. sometimes i feel like that

  17. three-fourth of my lifetime,i have only felt that way.not that people don't undrestand when i talk,the other kind of understand.

  18. not very offtain..... most of my friends can understand anything. lol. even if im talking in mumbles or saying "like", and "whats it called", and "dang, whats that word?" all the time, they still understand me. lol

  19. once a while....

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