
How often do u think about death?

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the hadith says that thinking about death is the destroyer of desires..subhanAllah..if only we could think about death all the time

if we were to see the ghayb then we would surely laugh little and cry a lot




  1. more often nowdays...

  2. My companion.

  3. i don't think about it I just wonder if it hurts.

  4. um a lot more then i use to. people keep dying closer and closer to me, its starting to freak me out

  5. I think about death when I hear someone has died, what's the point of dwelling on something that hasn't happened yet, you have no control over and is the only thing in your life guaranteed to happen regardless of what you do?

  6. ive only thought about it once... on facebook how will u die app... apparently ima find a solution for death and becomes immoral! o ya baby!

  7. I should, since I'm off to wars after tomorow! :`(

  8. I don't really.

  9. you just changed my life perspective, im gonna go back to college and get a degree in medicine and become a doctor and then maybe in the later years of my life im going to become a cardiothorastic surgeon

  10. sometimes, maybe a bit more then others,

    had a nearly death experience

    but more importantly

    i think about living more !

    and how lucky i was..

    i lost my brother though

  11. neva really only when i c something on the news about your death or something which just reminds of how and when will i die. but i reely dont think its a destroyer of desires if u think about it a little but if ur really obsesed then mayb.

  12. Sadly some people think about death more than others... I guess it relates to how much you appreciate life. Some people appreciate what they have and don't want it to disappear, while others take everything for granted and wish that they were dead. I think we should just be thankfull!

  13. well, it hits you in the less unespected ways but i will acep death when it comes to me and i wont be afraid

  14. I thought about death got turned on and had a w~*k - Allah, you lied !

  15. i think about it pretty much every waking second wondering when it will come for me

  16. Thats true. because Death is the only reality of this life.

    May Allah make us all able to remember our death many times a day, and repent and ask Allah for the forgiveness~!

  17. i think about death every night before i sleep.

    just live to the fullest everyday, & try not to regret.

    you have one life to live, so live it well.

    love those who love you & care for you.

  18. sometimes, like we all do, its natural

  19. Constantly. I'm a Goth...  

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