
How often do u use lob wedges? is gap w more useful than LW?

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I am not an advanced player. in terms of ease to play and frequency of using the wedge, shall i get a LW of 5' or 8' of bounce?




  1. Lob is used mainly right around the green when you have to hit a high soft shot over a bunker or mound and have it stop quickly on the green.  Gap wedge is for hitting a distance between your pitching wedge and sande wedge.  Get less bounce if you plan to use the club from the fairway more than a bunker.  The thing about lob wedges is you usually have to hit it perfect or you hit it again.

  2. If you don't know why you should have a lob wedge, then you probably shouldn't buy one.

  3. you should have a variety of wedges in your bag and learn the distance and bounce for each one. Once you learn they will come in handy. Shortgame 80% of your score.

  4. Lob wedges are not as easy to hit as players make it out to be.  It takes a lot of practice to hit the lob wedge well.  I would recommend that you forget about the lob wedge for now and get a sand wedge with 57 to 58 degrees loft with about  6 to 8 degrees bounce.  It would be easier to hit than a lob wedge until your game improves.  Try a 53 degree gap wedge with less bounce as an inbetweener from the pitching and sand wedge.  Just remember to spend at least half your practice with your three wedges and it pay dividends on lowering your scores.

  5. You're wise to consider not getting a lob wedge. They're not an easy club to use and get used to effectively. They look pretty when the pros use them but that's why they're pros. They spend hours practicing with a lob wedge. I think you can do more, consistently, with a sand wedge. If you're in a situation where you might  need more loft then open up the face on your sand wedge. Forget the lob wedge and put a 7 wood in your bag. If you have a 7 wood then get a 9 wood. You will get better use out either of those.

  6. If you're not as advanced as you think you should be to use a LW then you probably dont need it.

  7. A lob wedge is used when you want the ball to stop where it lands. gap wedges are for that distance between your sand wedge and pitching wedge. I would go with more bounce so you can use it in nastier lies. I would say the gap wedge is more useful on full shots, but the Lob Wedge is easier to get out of trouble with. If you have a preference between the bump and run, and a flop shot, this could make your decisioin. A lob for the flop, and the gap for the pitch and run

  8. I'm a 12 handicap.  I carry 3 Cleveland wedges: LW 60°, SW 57°, and a 53°...I guess you could call it a gap wedge.

    60° for high loft and inside 70 yds....57° for sand & inside 90 yds....and 53° for around 100 yds.

  9. Well, I would get one with 5 degree bounce. This club will give you less of a chance to hit shots "fat" or behind the ball. I am assuming that you do not play a lot of high profile courses so this should work just fine for ya.

  10. the 60 degree wedge was the greatest club ever invented

  11. If you are not a very advanced player then you should stay away from the lob wedge.  I am about a five to seen handicap and carry three wedges which seems to be plety for me,  (Pitch, Sand, Gap)  Lob wedges often require to make a different swing then you normally would to try to hit it further because man the lob wedge goes straight up.  If you are looking for extra clubs to fill big get a rescue club or seven wood, much easier to hit and for casual players you use them more than you think.  good luck

  12. I rarely use my lob wedge as I hit almost all the greens I shoot first part of that sentence is true.  I bought one when I was a member at a course full of evergreens.   A lob wedge was the only way to get over them around the green.   I sometimes use it instead of my SW when there is a big lip on the bunker.    Most shots can be handled with a PW or SW, but I like the warm fuzzy I get knowing my LW will get up and out FAST.

  13. If you are just a beginner, then you probably don’t need either.  If you are a mid-handicap, then it is probably a good idea to get one of the two.  If you have a considerable distance variation from your SW to your PW, then you might want the Gap Wedge.  Determine the loft by taking the average of the two lofts (i.e. If you have SW with 56 degrees of loft and PW with 48 degrees of loft, then you would want a GW with (56+48)/2=52 degrees of loft).  More bounce will help prevent the club from digging into the surface too much (sand or grass). If you are going to be using the club to hit out of the sand, the amount of bounce desired will depend on the sand conditions. If for example, you usually play courses with soft sand, you are going to want more bounce so that the club doesn’t get buried.  Conversely, you will want less bounce to help the club penetrate farther into hard sand.  Personally, I prefer the Lob Wedge over the Gap Wedge for getting the club up and down with minimal roll (especially useful when hitting over water onto small greens).  Also, this club is very useful when you need to get over objects like trees.  If I need to hit a distance between a PW and a SW, then I just hit a PW at less than 100%...but that’s just my preference.

  14. My lob wedge is my best friend on the course (Cleveland CG12 ycutter 3bounce).  The lob wedge is very versitile. You can use it for 90yards and in for high, soft landing shots.  The gap just seems to spin too much for that distance.  Also, around the green, the lob wedge can be a shot saver if used right.  Not all your lob wedge shots have to be high.  I like to bump and stop the lob wedge around the green when i can.  One bounce, check, and a little roll out.  Very simple, place ball in back of stance, close face, and hit down with some follow through.  Also, out of the bunker, the lob wedge is the best as it can be used to hit spin or run out shots.  Gap wedges are overrated, you can do more with a lob.  Just substitute your gap with a lighter pitching wedge and there you go.

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